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Can I Accelerate Interest Deductions?
August 5, 2002, Postscript September 21, 2002 "I need to shift as much expense as possible to 2002 because I intend to itemize that year.  My thought is to pay in 2002 all 12 of my mortgage payments due in 2003, in this way shifting all the interest deductions from 2003 ... more...

Will My Mortgage Loan Be Sold?
September 20, 1999 "I have been told that any lender I go to will probably sell my loan. Is that true? Am I justified in feeling disturbed about this?" Yes, it is true, but no, I don?t think you should be disturbed about it. A majority of borrowers deal with ... more...

mortgage banker related definitions

Mortgage Banker
Mortgage Banker Mortgage Banker providing mortgage financing to borrower with its own funds. Some mortgage bankers do provide long term (permanent) financing, the majority specialize in short term financing. However, mortgage companies often loosely apply this term to ... more...

Mortgage Baked Securities, MBS
Mortgage Baked Securities, MBS Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are bond or other financial obligation secured by a pool of mortgage loans. Mortgage loans are purchased from banks, mortgage companies, and other originators and then assembled into pools by purchasing entity. ... more...

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Get Free mortgage banker Quotes and Estimates

Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

MORAL ARMOR'S Economic Warning for Americans
For years weve suffered under recession, prompting us to ask, When will it end? My answer is, Its only the beginning.Historically, recessions are the result of high interest rates, pushed up as the result of loose money policies. Recovery comes when citizens begin to spend more wisely, save money ... more...

Choosing a Debt Management Program
Warning: DO NOT Begin any Debt Management Program, UNLESS the Company You Choose Meets these Six Criteria:In fact, if these six criteria are not met, don't even get your hopes up...1. The company has been in business for over one year.If 9 out of 10 new businesses fail within one year, why would ... more...

Alternatives to Filing Bankruptcy
Deciding to file for bankruptcy is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Too many people opt for this decision before finding out what other alternatives are available to them. Filing for Bankruptcy should be your last resort if possible. We have listed some alternatives for you to consider ... more...

Life in Las Vegas
"I'll go and get some munchies for us, Bob. Don't give that beautiful black-haired lady my seat. Eh?""You wish!" Sean went to get some food while Bob ordered some white wine for them both."You're becoming a regular aren't you?" The sprightly barmaid commented as she brought him their drinks and ... more...

Investing In Son's Business Could Cause A Real Family Feud
Q: My youngest son wants to borrow $5,000 to start his own business. My wife is afraid to tell him no. She thinks we should just give him the money and not expect anything in return. I disagree. He doesn't have a very good track record with money, so I'm a little worried that my investment will be ... more...

Insurance 101 - Undermining America for the Good of Americans
Insurance is like a myth. From one small seed of truth, a fairytale the size of 1000 giant sequoias has sprung up. Reality is blocked from view. Surely, youve noticed all the giant, sequoia-like buildings are owned by banks and insurance companies. Where do they get all that money? How much money ... more...

How to Save Money by Using an Independent Commercial Mortgage Broker
Being a creature of habit can cost you plenty when it comes to applying for a commercial mortgage instead of going through an independent commercial mortgage broker. Let me tell you why.Most business people have an established relationship with their bank and take advantage of that relationship ... more...

Love, Marriage and Money
The f-word. Finances. Combining love and money may be the biggest stumbling block on the path of true love, creating more rifts in relationships than in-laws, drug and alcohol addiction, or infidelity.Financial power struggles challenge even the most solid partnership. Unfortunately, money too ... more...

Need a Mortgage, Refinance or Equity Loan? Learn What it Takes, Before Applying
Do you know what it takes to qualify for mortgage and refinance loans? There are several factors involved with qualifying for a purchase, refinance or equity line of credit, and having an in-depth understanding of these could make the difference in you being accepted or turned down by a bank loan ... more...

Don't Sell Your House--Ever!
Keeping your existing house when you buy a new one could be THE most profitable financial decision you could make. Consider the following:1. Second stream of income: When you move to another place and keep your current house as a rental, this gives you an extra stream of income.2. Pay less tax: ... more...

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