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Mortgage Professor about mortgage banker: 
Can I Accelerate Interest Deductions?
August 5, 2002, Postscript September 21, 2002 "I need to shift as much expense as possible to 2002 because I intend to itemize that year.  My thought is to pay in 2002 all 12 of my mortgage payments due in 2003, in this way shifting all the interest deductions from 2003 ... more...

Will My Mortgage Loan Be Sold?
September 20, 1999 "I have been told that any lender I go to will probably sell my loan. Is that true? Am I justified in feeling disturbed about this?" Yes, it is true, but no, I don?t think you should be disturbed about it. A majority of borrowers deal with ... more...

mortgage banker related definitions

Mortgage Banker
Mortgage Banker Mortgage Banker providing mortgage financing to borrower with its own funds. Some mortgage bankers do provide long term (permanent) financing, the majority specialize in short term financing. However, mortgage companies often loosely apply this term to ... more...

Mortgage Baked Securities, MBS
Mortgage Baked Securities, MBS Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are bond or other financial obligation secured by a pool of mortgage loans. Mortgage loans are purchased from banks, mortgage companies, and other originators and then assembled into pools by purchasing entity. ... more...

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Get Free mortgage banker Quotes and Estimates

Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Real Estate Investors - Red Alert
How's the real estate marketing doing? Is the huge jump in home prices that is evident in some areas symptoms of a value bubble? Good questions, yes?Two things to keep in mind when surveying the market:1. All real estate is local, 2. Real estate is cyclical.Here in Arizona some residential ... more...

Why a Mortgage Professional Beats a Banker Every Time -- The Story Tells It All
The best way to explain why a mortgage professional is always better than a banker is to use an anecdote. My parents lived in the house I grew up in for 35 years, so it was finally time to move. They found a home they liked, made an offer, and signed a purchase agreement. After conferring with me ... more...

Why Most Advertisements Stink!
Question:What do you think the most important part of any ad is? Your company name? Your telephone number? Your offer? Look at your own advertising. What stands out? What is in the largest print? If its your company name or logo hold out your wrist so I can whack it with a stick. Whats the answer? ... more...

The Truth About Shopping for Mortgage Rates
With so much lender advertising focusing just on rates, you may not be aware of the importance in choosing an experienced, reliable loan professional who can match you with the appropriate loan program. Good loan officers and mortgage brokers may quote todays rate when asked, but they will quickly ... more...

Home Construction Loans
You can maximize your savings by shopping for a lender that can provide you with a combination loan. The combination loan starts as a construction loan. During this phase, your lender cuts checks to your builder and their subcontractors as they successfully reach significant steps in the building ... more...

Real Estate Investment Requires A Team
I had a hard time at first with real estate investment. One of the reasons was that I tended to be a "lone wolf," trying to do too much myself. I've since learned that to really do well investing in real estate, you need to have a team of people you can trust and rely on. Here are some possible ... more...

Useless Real Estate Middle Men and How to Avoid Them!
How do HomeGain, Realtor.com, Service Magic and other companies like this make money? These companies are called lead generation companies. They spend vast amounts of money advertising on TV, the Internet, radio, and in print so that youll go to their website to find information about real estate. ... more...

More For Me Means More For You
How would you like to have what you want AND at the same time create a situation through which many people benefit? That can happen when you are bold enough to leverage the Universal Law of Attraction to attract more of what you want.Soon after moving into my new harborside condo, I sat down and ... more...

Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen After Wife Gets MBA
"Hesh, where is your business plan? It was a question I expected from my banker, but not from my wife. She tried to sweeten it by adding, honey? It didnt help. I looked at her in disgust. I realized I had created a monster.Let me explain. I had encouraged Sue to go back to school. The kids were ... more...

Direct Marketing: Overlooked, Underappreciated, and Unstoppable
Every business needs customers, but more importantly every business needs to maintain those customers while constantly retaining new ones. The only successful way of doing this is by learning everything about your customers, including who they are? What do they have in common? Do they share a hobby ... more...

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WSJ Prime Rate
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