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Mortgage Professor about massachusetts first time home buyer: 
Are Mortgage Assumptions a Good Deal?
November 17, 2003, Revised December 20, 2005 ?I have been offered a deal where I take over the home seller?s mortgage. What are the pros and cons of doing this??  Benefit of Mortgage Assumptions to Buyers When a homebuyer assumes responsibility for a home seller?s ... more...

Second Mortgage Versus Home Equity Loan
June 9, 2003, revised August 30, 2003 "What are the differences between a second mortgage and a home equity loan?" The terminology is confusing. A second mortgage is any loan that involves a second lien on the property. Some second mortgages are for a fixed dollar ... more...

massachusetts first time home buyer related definitions

FHA Mortgage Insurance
FHA Mortgage Insurance It is insurance from FHA to the lender against incurring a loss on account of the borrower's default. Paid if FHA loan LTV is higher than 80%. Also known as MIP - Mortage Insurance Premium. By insuring the loan the Federal Government agrees to repay ... more...

MIP, Mortgage Insurance Premium
MIP, Mortgage Insurance Premium It is insurance from FHA to the lender against incurring a loss on account of the borrower's default. Paid if FHA loan LTV is higher than 80%. Also known as FHA Mortgage Insurance. By insuring the loan the Federal Government agrees to repay ... more...

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Get Free massachusetts first time home buyer Quotes and Estimates

Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Build Your Own Dream House!
So you're thinking about building your own house, are you? Well, you've come to the right place! It's a lot of fun (hard work and eventually fun!) to build your own home and it will save you thousands of dollars(we saved over a Hundred Grand by doing it ourselves - that's pretty significant cash!). ... more...

10 Easy but Essential Steps for Home Selling Success
They say that the whole process of selling up, buying new and moving on is one of the most stressful series of events any of us goes through in a lifetime: and yet with careful planning, attention to detail and a clear focus, the whole process can be relatively stress free.While there will always ... more...

Negotiating the Purchase of Your Home
Negotiating a successful real estate contract requires communication and listening skills, as well as the ability to create a environment of cooperation. Many of our real estate clients have been very experienced negotiators, and from them we have learned that the goal is to reach a "good ... more...

Houston First Mortgages
Planning for a new home, new property and other finances for the first time is not only a question of gathering money-- it is a building a dream to create heaven for you and your loved ones. Though it is a hard fact that getting a mortgage loan is always a question of liability.Houston based first ... more...

How Stay at Home Moms and Dads Can Generate a Second Income
"I believe wholeheartedly in the importance of being a Mom who chooses not to work outside the home in order to be available for my children. However, I also have experienced the effects of a single income and it's not pleasant," explains one stay at home mom. Stay at home parents are finding it ... more...

Decision Time: Home Equity Loan or Home Equity Line of Credit?
Home equity loans and home equity lines of credit continue to grow in popularity. According to the Consumer Bankers Association, during 2003 combined home equity line and loan portfolios grew 29%, following a torrid 31% growth rate in 2002. With so many people deciding to cash in on their home's ... more...

15 Tips To Help You Buy Your Home
Thinking of buying another home or your first home? Here are some tips for maximizing the home buying experience. Detailed coverage of the topics below is provided in his website:1. DON'T WAIT TO BUY Prices are only going to go up. Don't be a victim of it. Better to have the escalator go up with ... more...

Tips For First Home Buyers On Getting Home Loans
Buying your first home will likely be the biggest and most important purchase you will ever make. It can be a very stressful and may even leave you sleepless for nights on end wondering whether you are making the right decision especially where choosing the right home loan is concerned.With all ... more...

Your Dream of a Home Can Now Come True!
Who doesnt want to have a beautiful home? We always wish for a nice home with all modern amenities and we leave no stone unturned to fructify that objective. And then at times we fall into the pit of adverse credit history. But this does not mean all your dreams are shattered. With the advancement ... more...

Mortgage Sales Hit Problems
The housing market has been buoyant over the past few years, but mortgage providers and first-time buyers are both now facing a tough time. Following announcements from the Bank of England that there has been an overall decline in the total number of UK home-buyers, and a declaration from the ... more...

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