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Mortgage Professor about massachusetts first time home buyer: 
Are Mortgage Assumptions a Good Deal?
November 17, 2003, Revised December 20, 2005 ?I have been offered a deal where I take over the home seller?s mortgage. What are the pros and cons of doing this??  Benefit of Mortgage Assumptions to Buyers When a homebuyer assumes responsibility for a home seller?s ... more...

Second Mortgage Versus Home Equity Loan
June 9, 2003, revised August 30, 2003 "What are the differences between a second mortgage and a home equity loan?" The terminology is confusing. A second mortgage is any loan that involves a second lien on the property. Some second mortgages are for a fixed dollar ... more...

massachusetts first time home buyer related definitions

FHA Mortgage Insurance
FHA Mortgage Insurance It is insurance from FHA to the lender against incurring a loss on account of the borrower's default. Paid if FHA loan LTV is higher than 80%. Also known as MIP - Mortage Insurance Premium. By insuring the loan the Federal Government agrees to repay ... more...

MIP, Mortgage Insurance Premium
MIP, Mortgage Insurance Premium It is insurance from FHA to the lender against incurring a loss on account of the borrower's default. Paid if FHA loan LTV is higher than 80%. Also known as FHA Mortgage Insurance. By insuring the loan the Federal Government agrees to repay ... more...

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Get Free massachusetts first time home buyer Quotes and Estimates

Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Real Estate Investors - How to Buy for Your Rent to Own Homes Inventory
First and foremost, this article is for investors. As an investor, you should not (must not) have any emotional ties to any of your properties. You are in this business to make a fair and honest profit, and you will sell your home(s) when it makes sense to do so. Your goals should be to buy low and ... more...

Fear Plays Role in First Time Home Purchase
There are so many emotions connected with buying your first house: stress, anxiety, anticipation, doubt, joy and fear.Not only are first time buyers nervous about the process of buying a home, they are especially worried about being rejected for their mortgage. Many will continue to rent a home, ... more...

Zero Down Mortgage Loans - First Time Home Buyer Loan Programs
Because of a larger variety of mortgage loans available, first time home buyers may become easily overwhelmed with the home buying process. Understandably, those entering the housing market may not know which loan program best fits their needs. Working with a mortgage broker is helpful. They can ... more...

The Best Way to Buy a New Home While Selling Your Existing Home
Buying a home and selling a home at the same time can be one of the most difficult and nerve wracking of all real estate transactions. Many people wonder how to juggle the selling of one home with the purchase of another. They may be worried that their home will not sell by the time the money is ... more...

How To Get Top Dollar For Your Home Fast
1. Time is money when selling your homeAfter you've made the decision to sell your home, the longer it remains unsold on the market, the more it costs you. Many home sellers feel it's very important to receive close to their full asking price. But they overlook the additional months of carrying ... more...

Buy or Sell First?
When it comes to home buying, the ideal situation would be to find a new home, just as you receive an offer on your existing home. You would then be able to close concurrently and move into your new home a few days prior to closing on your previous home. This does happen more often than not, but ... more...

A Powerful Suggested Technique for YOUR Home & Property Search
A Powerful Suggested Technique for YOUR Home & Property Search by Jody Hudson You can be a pro at buying a home: Whether you are buying your first home or you are an experienced home buyer who owns more than one home, there are some things that can help you get faster results and get more ... more...

Bad Credit First Time Home Buyers
If you have a poor credit rating and want to buy your own home then you are one of thousands of people who are classed as bad credit first time home buyers. Fortunately, you are not alone as many people have acquired a bad credit rating through life circumstances and it is happening to more and ... more...

The Difficulties, Challenges and Problems Of Teleworking, Telecommuting and Working at Home
Working at home, from home, in your pajamas, in the nude, at the beach, working from bed or the easy chair - these are all the images and joys of home working that Kate and I enjoy and many others too. Kate and I sell Real Estate; that is perhaps the most popular telecommuting, work at home; pick ... more...

Do Your Homework - Find the Mortgage That Fits Your Lifestyle and Your Budget
You've been looking at houses for months, and finally youve found it--the house that's just right. So now, all you have to do is to purchase your new home, move in, and get settled, right? Not quite. Theres one more big step to go-getting a mortgage loan. Youre going to want to decide on the type ... more...

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