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Mortgage Professor about construction costs: 
Pitfalls in the Financing of Home Construction
  March 22, 1999 " My wife and I are considering having a house built for us and I would like to know the basics of combination construction/permanent mortgages. What do we look out for?" Construction can ... more...

Detail on Single-Lender Mortgage Web Sites
Summary Rankings of Web Sites, January 12, 2005  Rank URL Score Rank URL Score 1 Amerisave.com 47   2 Eloan.com 46 11 Countrywide.com 25 3 Mortgage.com (ABN ... more...

construction costs related definitions

Construction Loan
Construction Loan A short term interim loan to pay for the construction of buildings or homes. These are usually designed to provide periodic disbursements to the builder as he progresses. ... more...

Settlement Costs, Closing Costs
Settlement Costs, Closing Costs Expenses incurred by the buyer and seller in a real estate or mortgage transaction. There are two types of costs: recurring and non recurring. Non-recurring costs are one time ... more...

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How to Finance and Build Your Dream Home
If you have always dreamed of building and living in the home youve helped design, its time to seriously consider putting your dream into action. In todays mortgage market, a specially designed loan for just such a homeowner, the construction to perm loan, includes the construction loan to ... more...

The Professional Investors Plan
The art of using high-leveraged activities.Here I would like to make just a few suggestions that will hopefully save you from wasting years of hard effort only to learn in the end that had you invested using a better strategy, you would have realized more profit, happiness, satisfaction, control ... more...

How and Where To Get Big Real Estate Loans Today
SOME OF THE BIGGEST REAL ESTATE LOANS you can get today come from the FHA--Federal Housing Administration. These loans are often in the range of $500,000 to multi-millions. Why are they available to you? For several reasons:1. The Government wants to encourage certain types of building construction ... more...

Hybrid Cars; Visiting Japanese Auto Makers North American Head Quarters
Japanese Automakers with North American Head Quarters are moving the ball forward and pressing on into the future with new technologies for safety, fuel economy and net-centric systems. Before retiring from the auto aftermarket franchise industry, I took a tour around the nation to see what I had ... more...

Things To Consider Before Buying a Condo Hotel or Resort Residence
Resort home ownership, such as condo hotels and fractional shares is different from typical home ownership. So it is important to ask certain questions before signing the purchase agreement on a resort property. The following list of questions typically applies to most types of resort property ... more...

Many Ways To Make Money In Real Estate!
Real Estate is a multi-faceted investment arena - there are MANY different methods to earn money from different niches in real estate. One or several may work for YOU!Here's the typical experience: "buy your own residence and sell it when its all paid off and you want to retire, oh my gosh look at ... more...

Investing in Real Estate Like a Stock
A REAL ESTATE STOCK PLANGetting out of the bleachers and into the game!This report is going to explain or attempt to give the stock market investors a basic one-on-one interview with a real estate portfolio manager who has consistently made a profit on 100% of the investment products that were ... more...

A Quick Guide to Remortgage
Remortgaging means that we are taking a new mortgage to repay an existing one.As time passes, the appreciation in property rates raises the home equity available at the disposal of the homeowner. Remortgaging utilizes this increase in property valuation to get a better deal on debt, or some extra ... more...

Smart Strategies For Real Estate Investment
If youre deterred by the roller coaster rides of the stock market, then real estate is the best place to invest your hard earned money.But real estate business is not an easy one. It calls upon concrete strategies to realize your goals and turn your business into a lucrative venture. If youre an ... more...

Building Your Dream Home - Part 1
For most of my adult life I had thought about someday building my Dream Home. Several years ago I finally got the chance. I had purchased a lake front lot with a small cottage on it. My initial intention was to use the property as is, and someday raze the old cottage and build a new home in its ... more...

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