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Mortgage Professor about construction costs: 
Pitfalls in the Financing of Home Construction
  March 22, 1999 " My wife and I are considering having a house built for us and I would like to know the basics of combination construction/permanent mortgages. What do we look out for?" Construction can ... more...

Detail on Single-Lender Mortgage Web Sites
Summary Rankings of Web Sites, January 12, 2005  Rank URL Score Rank URL Score 1 Amerisave.com 47   2 Eloan.com 46 11 Countrywide.com 25 3 Mortgage.com (ABN ... more...

construction costs related definitions

Construction Loan
Construction Loan A short term interim loan to pay for the construction of buildings or homes. These are usually designed to provide periodic disbursements to the builder as he progresses. ... more...

Settlement Costs, Closing Costs
Settlement Costs, Closing Costs Expenses incurred by the buyer and seller in a real estate or mortgage transaction. There are two types of costs: recurring and non recurring. Non-recurring costs are one time ... more...

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Factoring Invoices How to Get Off The Cash Flow Merry-Go-Round
All businesses want to be successful and to be successful you must have sufficient cash flow. Are you tired of your unpredictable cash flow cycle? Is the ritual of making incoming cash receipts stretch to cover short-term obligations frustrating your business and making you dizzy?It's time to find ... more...

Your Building Your Dream Home, But Where Do You Start?
You have finally found the perfect lot, in the neighborhood of your choice, and at a price you can afford. Now you have to decide what type of house you want built. In fact you may even know the house you want, be it a big rambling farmhouse, with a wrap-a-round porch reminiscent of your ... more...

Questions Investors Should Ask When Buying and Selling Investment Property
If you're a real estate investor, here are several questions to consider when looking at investment properties. Providing sound answers to these questions will greatly increase your profits:Why do homeowners sell for bargain prices?There are many factors that can prevent owners from being able to ... more...

Construction Loan Basics
It might not be too big of an exaggeration to say that the construction loan is one of the more daunting aspects of building your custom home. Before we started our project, I had nightmares about trying to pay two full mortgages at the same time (our existing mortgage and the construction loan), ... more...

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Will Mean Increased Costs of Building in the Future, but not Immediately
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita will mean increased costs of building in the future, but not immediatelyThe natural disasters of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita have left upwards of 200,000 homes either destroyed or uninhabitable and needing rebuilding. This country has never seen a disaster on this scale ... more...

The REAL Cost of Building and Maintaining a Commercial Website
Having a website can be a wonderful experience. I have experienced the joy of owning and operating a brilliant website built and hosted by a genius. I have also experienced the misery of owning a lousy website hosted by notorious scammers. So I have seen websites from both ends of the spectrum.This ... more...

Commitment: Secret of Success
I love the smell of work! William James Orr, age 4My wife and one of my grandsons were driving past the construction site of a new interstate highway overpass, redolent of excavated earth, diesel fumes, cement, and tar.Four-year-old William took a deep breath, exhaled, sighed, then made that ... more...

How to Get Cheap Home Loans with a Bad Credit
Its been years since you made any major improvements to your home and its about time. Your spouse and children are also urging you to give the house a facelift. So, what do you do? Dip into your savings? Great! But thats only if youve enough stashed away in there. Go in for a regular loan? But you ... more...

Real Estate Feasibility Study (Cost Side) - $1.2 Billion Developer Tells You How To Do One
There are two sides to real estate development feasibility study: The Cost Side & The Income Side.I am going to concentrate in this article on The Cost Side.Having told you that a feasibility study is vital when applying for finance, it is however, just another cog in the wheel of the property ... more...

Is Comparing Escrow Fees Online the Way to Go?
Did you know that not all escrow closing fees are the same? It is true, these fees are not regulated by law at all and just like shopping for insurance, you need to look around for the best deal on your escrow fees. Your escrow fees could depend largely upon where it is that you are living. The ... more...

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