Auto Loan Buying Tips
Have you ever felt like you bought an auto and financed it and don't really know if you got the right price or financing arrangements after it was all over? Well, don't feel alone. This is a common experience for many people who make auto purchases.Guidelines for negotiating the car price can be ...
Debt Elimination 2
The First Step To Debt EliminationRegardless of your personal and financial circumstances, your education and your background, the chances are the first step you need to take in debt elimination has to take place in your mind. The Western mindset, especially in the US and UK, is firmly fixed on ...
Back To The Future - Big Changes Are Coming, Get Ready Now
The comments below are quoted from a recent speech by Ben Bernanke, a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors..."Looking forward, I am sure that the Committee will continue to watch the oil
situation carefully. However, future monetary-policy choices will not be closely linked to the ...
First Time Home Buyers Guide - A Valuable Resource For Those With No Credit Or Bad Credit
First time homebuyers with bad credit can find buying a home a challenge. Are you a first time homebuyer who has bad credit? This does not always mean you have to suffer with high interest rates or no mortgage at all. There are many choices out there for both first time buyers and those with bad ...
Remortgage To Release Equity By Improving Interest Rate
You have been paying on your mortgage for quite sometime and you think that your money serves no purpose except paying for your loan. This you already know. The thing you dont know is that there is latent money in your mortgage that needs to be harvested. Now you probably ruminating between ...
Refinance Home: Distilling Cash by Renewing Home Loan
Refinance home is in vogue especially with reduction in interest rates. Refinance is still going strong with 40% of the home loan applications being filled in for refinancing home loans. Homeowners realize that there is enough equity in the home to refinance and convert into cash and credit. Few ...
Loan Officer Training: Learn How To Shape Realtors Perceptions
In medicine, a placebo is a pill that you think will make you better, and so it does. In your business, a placebo is a prospect having the experiences they expect to have, and so they have them.For example, you take your vehicle to get serviced. You walk into a clean lobby and are greeted warmly ...
Stock Market, Bonds, Deposit Account, Cash, Equities, Unit Trusts - Few, Just Few of the Ways of Sav
Man has been known for continually simplifying things in his own interest. First he devised mortgages then several sub categories under it like buy to let mortgage, council right to buy, reverse mortgage. Then we devised remortgage. Then as the intricacies increased and the payment of interest and ...
Cold Feet!
Dear fellow Realtors, if there is a gratuitous piece of advice I can offer it is never to tell a Buyer with 'cold feet' that he needs not worry because it is not his money. I did it once and the result was catastrophic. 'Cold feet' is that special mental state by and through which someone - ...
Accounts Receivable Factoring - A Viable Cash-flow Solution for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
The pace of change in todays business environment is inarguably staggering. Growth of e-commerce; changes to business structures; evolving relationships; changes to funding arrangements; access to capital and its sources. All occurring at increasingly exponential rates. Fast. The fact that there is ...
Marketing Hat for Graphic Designers or Wannabes
Many people think that the quality of any graphic design is determined by how aesthetically pleasing it is: Although making the card look good is important, this couldn't be further from the truth. The only true measure of any design, at least commercially, is "How well does it pull?". By pull we ...
Home Loans: To Substantiate Financial Possibilities On Your Land
Availability of Home loans is in full bloom. They are uncomplicated, tenable, easily available, very flexible and tailor-made for homeowners. They are offered by almost every loan lending or financial institution. Home loans are like omnipresent and yet encountering the requisite home loan is like ...