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Questions About Mortgage Points
16 February 2004, Revised February 22, 2005 What are points? Points are an upfront charge by the lender that is part of the price of a mortgage. Points are expressed as a percent of the loan amount, with 3 points being 3%. On a $100,000 loan, 3 points means a cash payment ... more...

Can You Buy a House, Then "Reverse Mortgage" It?
October  4, 2004 "My wife and I are 64 years old and can qualify for a reverse mortgage on our current house, but we want to relocate first. Can we buy a new house with a "forward" mortgage, and then take out a reverse mortgage?" Yes, but you will ... more...

mortgage needs house interest points what is loan related definitions

Adjustable Rate Mortgage, ARM
Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Also known as a variable rate mortgage. The interest rate on these mortgages changes periodically. Variable or adjustable loans are loans whose interest rate fluctuates over the period of the ... more...

Back End Points vs. Front End Points
Back End Points vs. Front End Points A point is a type of mortgage slang for a percentage point. The technical term for point is loan origination fee. In laymen terms, a point is a fee you pay to a lender or broker. ... more...

More about mortgage needs house interest points what is loan

How To Create A House Buying 'Wish List' For Your Dream Home
Buying a house is one of the most exciting things you will ever do. But there are LOTS of little details involved details which can be very costly if they are overlooked.Unfortunately, I made all 10 of these mistakes when buying my first house. Even though I thought I was very prepared. But with ... more...

MORAL ARMOR'S Economic Warning for Americans
For years weve suffered under recession, prompting us to ask, When will it end? My answer is, Its only the beginning.Historically, recessions are the result of high interest rates, pushed up as the result of loose money policies. Recovery comes when citizens begin to spend more wisely, save money ... more...

Direct Marketing Brand Identity Guru Tips
If your company doesnt have a direct marketing program in place, a direct marketing agency can create one for you. A direct marketing company provides small to very large customizable ranges of business-to-business and business-to-consumer direct marketing options sure to fit your needs. From ... more...

Increase Repeat Business and Referrals with Direct Mail
So you have been writing mortgages like crazy now for the last few years. You have a pretty big database of customers and hopefully you have been getting and keeping full contact information for them. An organized database is the first key to customer retention.The next step is to put together a ... more...

Why a Hard Money Lender Might Be Your First Stop
It isn't uncommon to hear mortgage industry insiders refer to hard money lenders as a last resort. While this may be true to the extent that many borrowers who solicit loans from hard money lenders do so as a last resort, there are many cases in which a hard money lender may be sought before a ... more...

Home Insurance: Premium Protection In Case Mishap Takes A Rain Check
My whinstone house my castle is, I have my own four walls.This is truth for every home owner. Your home, your castle, your prized possession, your territory - which is certainly more than four walls. You would do anything to protect it against damage and injury. Damage and injury? Is that too dark ... more...

All You Wanted to Know of Bad Credit
Martin Henderson is in a fix these days. Because of his failure to repay a loan he had taken a few years back, he has been adjudged as a bad credit case. And, in spite of much effort, he has not been able to get a loan or a mortgage. Lenders do not want to take risk by offering loans to him, and he ... more...

Methods Of Raising Instant Cash
The inability to come up with the necessary cash when suddenly presented with a "can't miss" opportunity, is one of the most frustrating experiences anyone ever live through. Yet, there are literally hundreds of ways to raise unlimited amounts of cash in an hour or less! You may not be aware of ... more...

Why You Should Write To Inform And Not To Sell
Advertising is key! Unfortunately most people waste their money on advertising unless they can play by the numbers. Playing by the numbers is simply spending enough money on advertising and saturating the market so much, that percentage wise, enough people will want to see what you have to offer. ... more...

Expect the Best and Get It
The famous prayer of Jabez, where Jabez prayed for prosperity, is a model of expectant thinking that we can all benefit from. "And Jabez called upon the God of Israel saying "Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me ... more...

A Bad Real Estate Market is Good for Real Estate Investors and the Country!
The real estate industry in this country is in for a rude awakening!The realtors, mortgage brokers, investors (really speculators) and Alan Greenspan are whistling past the grave yard, living on borrowed time.Few people realize how bad the real estate market can become. I remember in the late 70s ... more...

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