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Lies Mortgage Shoppers Hear
    December 2, 2002, Revised July 16, 2004 "I am about to shop the market for the mortgage I need to finance my home purchase.  Is there a danger that people won?t tell me the truth?  Any lies I should look out for in particular ... more...

Tutorial on Selecting Mortgage Features
Planning to shop for a mortgage on-line? You need to answer the following questions first, so you know exactly what you are shopping for.      1. What Type of Mortgage Should I Select? 2. Which Mortgage Options Should I Select? 3. How Long a Term Should I Take? 4. ... more...

mortgage afford purchase stock market home loan email bad credit related definitions

Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan
Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan A secured loan (mortgage) that is subordinate to another loan against the same property. More specifically, the second loan in sequence. Generally, second mortgage hass a higher interest rate and with shorter terms than a ... more...

Secondary Mortgage Market
Secondary Mortgage Market The place where primary mortgage lenders sell the mortgages to investors like Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac in order to obtain more funds for originating more new loans. Secondary mortgage market provides liquidity for the lenders. Government-sponsored ... more...

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Can Your Business Survive?
But when you're starting your own business, there's no guarantee that your "mousetrap" is going to survive, especially in today's fast-paced business world.Nearly half of all small businesses fail within the first two years of operation. The number one reason for business failure is inadequate ... more...

9 Deadly Trading Mistakes!
The following are a list of nine things you want to avoid at all costs. Anyone of them can literally destroy your financial dreams and goals!1. Trading with money you cant afford to lose.One of the greatest obstacles to successful trading is using money that you really cant afford to lose. ... more...

How To Tap In To Your Home Equity
With today's relatively low interest rates and climbing property values, many consumers are considering taping into their home equity to finance everything from home improvement projects to debt consolidation.Secured home loans, also called home equity loans, are loans backed by the borrower's ... more...

Having a Bad e MALE Day? Email, Spam, Spam and More Spam
You just sat at your desk, opened your email account and what do you get? First there is some anonymous donkey from an anonymous and anything but respectable mortgage lender telling you that they can arrange your finance at 3% and all you need to do now that your application is approved is to sign ... more...

Bad Credit Home Loans, Personal Loans
Need bad credit home loans or bad credit personal loans? Think twice about using your home as collateral. If you need money to pay bills or make home improvements and think the answer is in refinancing, a second mortgage, or a home equity loan - consider your options carefully. If you can't make ... more...

Home Equity Loan Types
There are at least two types of home equity loans.The first is a term or closed end loan and the second is basically a line of credit. Most people prefer to refer to them as a second mortgage because they are secured against your home much like your first home loan or mortgage. Typically these ... more...

Remodeling Online
Remodeling PlansMaking remodeling plans for a house helps you to ensure that your home meets all your needs. It also adds value to your home in the long term. After all, you will spend at least half your working life paying off the first mortgage on your houseby making remodeling plans, you ensure ... more...

My Own Online Business After A Divorce And Almost Bankruptcy
When I got divorced, I didn't know how I was going to be able to cope with my financial responsibilities which included mortgage, car, my kids's private school plus all the other expenses related to having a family without a husband's salary.I had recently lost my full-time job, had managed to find ... more...

You Don't Have To Be Rich To Be A PC Gamer
There is a common misconception that you have to take out a second mortgage on your house if you want to get a computer that will run all of the latest and greatest games. I don't know who started the rumor that you need to spend $3000 to get a gaming computer. The truth is, if you are smart ... more...

Turning On The Lights
Fun From The StartFor those with the will to start a new business the rewards, both financial and emotional, can be excellent, but the risks can also be significant to both sanity and mortgage. Of course, the chance of success increases if a company has a good, well thought through strategy before ... more...

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