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Mortgage Professor about when to use bridge loan: 
Buy First or Sell First?
October 6, 2003, Revised May 4, 2005 ?I currently own a home which I would like to sell, and then buy another. What is the best sequence of steps in this process?? The situation you want to avoid is giving up your existing home before you can move into the new one. ... more...

How to Shop For a Mortgage
September 24, 2003, Revised November 12, 2004 Shopping for a mortgage effectively isn?t easy. Reforms proposed by HUD, which were pending at the time this article was first drafted, and which promised to make the process much easier, were never enacted.   ... more...

when to use bridge loan related definitions

Equal Credit Oportunity Act
Equal Credit Oportunity Act (ECOA) Is a federal law that requires lenders and other creditors to make credit equally available without discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status or receipt of income from public assistance programs. ... more...

Bridge Loan
Bridge Loan A bridge loan is a short-term loan, usually a second mortgage, run for 6 month but may be taken taken out for a period of 2 weeks to 3 years. The borrower's current home (which is usually "for sale") is ... more...

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Get Free when to use bridge loan Quotes and Estimates

Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

ReaL Estate Basics part 2
10. Qualifying buyers and getting to their motivationThis is a broad issue, but Im going to give you some tips and ideas in qualifying buyers. First off if you are dealing with a buyer(s) and you will showing them homes that day, whenever possible have them come into the office at least an hour to ... more...

Bad Credit Loans and Lender Questions & Answers
Q: What is a private investor and how do they differ from a hard money lender or a subprime lender?A: A private investor is an individual who lends out their own funds to borrowers who are unable to obtain a loan from a traditional lender such as a bank. It is also possible for private investors to ... more...

An Open Letter To Rev Al Sharpton - Stop Using Hurricane Katrina To Further Your Political Agenda!
The Rev Al Sharpton has stated publicly that had the Hurricane Katrina victims been White the Response by the Government would have been much Quicker. One Wonders if Rev Sharpton has even read the Southeast Louisiana Hurricane Evacuation and Sheltering Plan which layouts the duties and ... more...

Understanding UK Bridging Finance
Bridging finance, also referred to as "bridge loans" and "bridging loans", have nothing at all to do with re-constructing the London Bridge. Bridging finance is typically a short-term loan that a business uses to supply cash for a real estate transaction until permanent financing can be arranged. ... more...

Political Correctness and College Sports - Has The NCAA Gone Too Far?
The NCAA in it's wisdom has determined that teams that use native The NCAA has gone so far as to say that these teams cannot play in the post season tournaments unless they change their names.While I am sure there is a group of people both Native Americans and others who seem to think these names ... more...

For Sale By Owner - Use This Tip To Sell Your Home Quicker and At a Better Price
Your house is for sale by owner (fsbo), Along with columns of countless other FSBO's in the Sunday paper. This one little trick will enable you to have your Ad Noticed by more potential buyers. More buyers means you to sell your home quicker and at a better price.Have you ever gone to purchase a ... more...

Oprah Winfrey You Go Girl!
Many people are questioning Oprah's motives in her recent campaign against child sex offenders. I myself have been critical of Oprah in the past but when it comes to child Sexual abuse am I happy to be on the same side as Oprah.I can't think of a more reprehensible offense then the sexual abuse of ... more...

Mortgage Terms Explained
When you are hunting for a mortgage, you will find that there are many different types of mortgages available. I will list some of the more common ones and their uses.15 vs 30 YearsYour mortgage term can be just about anything you choose. 15 and 30 year terms are popular these days, although 10 ... more...

Tips & Advice On Residential Construction Loans
A lot of people dream about building a new home. Everyone wants a home that will work with their lifestyle and reflect their character and be original and attractive to the eye. Getting a construction home loan can be a scary task. Residential construction loans are different from traditional home ... more...

Loans Guide
Many people are confused by the different types of loans available.Here is a helpful summary of the most common loans available today.Bad Credit Personal LoanA Bad Credit Personal Loan is a loan designed for the many people with a bad credit rating. However created, your past record of County Court ... more...

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