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Mortgage Professor about what is mortage market: 
Fannie Mae Under the Gun
17 January 2005 The Accounting Scandal at Fannie Mae "The media has been full of stories recently about accounting scandals at Fannie Mae?Is this another Enron? What does it mean to John Q. Public?" It is an accounting scandal, and heads have rolled as a result, but it is not ... more...

How to Shop For a Mortgage
September 24, 2003, Revised November 12, 2004 Shopping for a mortgage effectively isn?t easy. Reforms proposed by HUD, which were pending at the time this article was first drafted, and which promised to make the process much easier, were never enacted.   ... more...

what is mortage market related definitions

Adjustable Rate Mortgage, ARM
Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Also known as a variable rate mortgage. The interest rate on these mortgages changes periodically. Variable or adjustable loans are loans whose interest rate fluctuates over the period of the ... more...

Title Insurance
Title Insurance A policy, issued by a title insurance company, which insures a home buyer against errors in the title search. The cost of the policy is usually a function of the value of the property, and is often borne by the purchaser and/or seller. Policies are also available ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Prosperity Consciousnes or Poverty Consciousness? It is All Up To You!
So, do you have it or not?Do you live a life full of abundance and happiness, or do you bury your head in the sand, look around and merely WISH that your life could be a better place.The big question that I get asked over and over is "Rob, what is the true definition of success?"Well, that answer ... more...

The Seduction of a Married Man
What is it about a married man that is so irresistible?It must be something because so many women fall for it. Just this week I encountered two women who have slipped into the trap of fatal attraction for a married man. It is dangerous territory and I do not recommend that anyone go there. I speak ... more...

Reincarnation and Karma: Questions and Answers
When I listen to people on TV that talk to spirits that have passed on, they say that we chose to come back as who we are in this life, so that almost sounds like it was a script we chose to live out. That seems to be that it was all written and what happens is predisposed.We do indeed determine ... more...

Getting Raw Land, Not a Raw Deal!
There is more to buying raw land than meets the eye and more than a few individuals have wished theyd had a second chance upon finding themselves duped, conned, misled, ill-advised, uninformed, oversold, undereducated and often unprepared. They realize, often too late, that a raw land purchase ... more...

Hey Mr. Manufacturer-- Distributors Are not Catfish
Catfish are native to North America. As you may know, catfish are bottom feeders with slick, shiny skin and no scales, often known as "Mr. Whiskers." They feed on algae and prefer "dead stinky bait" rather than better, live alternatives. They feed at night and can be predators. Most are sleek and ... more...

Top 10 Things NOT To Tell Angel and VC Investors
I am not writing this to create a list of things not to say so people can hide the facts or in any way mislead potential investors. On the contrary I personally believe you must be 100% upfront with any potential investors, and even volunteer some weaknesses to be credible. I am writing it to ... more...

How To Prepare A Business Plan That Guarantees Big Profits
It is always said "If you Fail to Plan, you Plan to Fail" Success in business comes as a result of planning. You have to have a detailed, written plan that shows what the ultimate goal is, the reason for the goal, and each milestone that must be passed in order to reach your goal. A business plan ... more...

Switching Careers - 7 Key Steps
Are you thinking about switching careers? If you are, you're not alone. Most Americans switch careers three times in their lifetime. Nevertheless, switching careers is scary. And it's especially paralyzing the older you get. But making a career switch is very possible and much more common than ... more...

Laying It Out On Paper
You might be thinking to yourself, Why should I waste my time writing a business plan? I know what (web designers, freelance writers, professional organizers) do! Knowing intellectually what your industry is all about and pinpointing exactly where you want your business to go are two entirely ... more...

9 Deadly Trading Mistakes!
The following are a list of nine things you want to avoid at all costs. Anyone of them can literally destroy your financial dreams and goals!1. Trading with money you cant afford to lose.One of the greatest obstacles to successful trading is using money that you really cant afford to lose. ... more...

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