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Mortgage Professor about wall street journal: 
How Do You Shop For a HELOC?
October 20, 2003 "Do I shop for a HELOC in the same way as I would shop for another mortgage?" No, shopping for a HELOC is very different from shopping for a standard mortgage. In most respects, it is simpler, if you know what you are doing. A HELOC is a line of credit ... more...

Is Mandatory Disclosure Unfair to Brokers?
May 8, 2000 "I take exception to your proposal that mortgage brokers be required to quote a price for their services...I like to compare our industry to a department store.  Should a law be passed that requires department ... more...

wall street journal related definitions

Prime Rate
Prime Rate In North American banking, the prime rate is the interest rate a banks charge to their best or "prime" customers. Each bank will quote a prime lending rate. Many institutions quote prime rates established by large money center commercial banks such as ... more...

Freddie Mac
Freddie Mac Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC) also called "Freddie Mac" - a quasi-governmental, federally sponsored organization that acts as a secondary market investor to buy and sell mortgage loans. FHLMC sets many of the guidelines for conventional ... more...

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Get Free wall street journal Quotes and Estimates

Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

The Three Legged Stool
My paternal grandparents were born near Lake Como, Italy. My grandfather learned how to farm, and he did just that until he died chopping wood at age 88. As a boy, I would walk into the barn where I watched him milking cows. Never got the hang of it, but I liked hearing the ping of fresh milk in ... more...

9 Deadly Trading Mistakes!
The following are a list of nine things you want to avoid at all costs. Anyone of them can literally destroy your financial dreams and goals!1. Trading with money you cant afford to lose.One of the greatest obstacles to successful trading is using money that you really cant afford to lose. ... more...

Prosperity Consciousnes or Poverty Consciousness? It is All Up To You!
So, do you have it or not?Do you live a life full of abundance and happiness, or do you bury your head in the sand, look around and merely WISH that your life could be a better place.The big question that I get asked over and over is "Rob, what is the true definition of success?"Well, that answer ... more...

Wall New Jersey Real Estate
Wall New Jersey Real Estate Wall, New Jersey, is located in Monmouth County, 8 miles NE of Brick, New Jersey and 39 miles S of New York, New York. Wall has a population of 25,261. Wall Homes Wall properties pool is residential properties including Wall new homes. Median age of real ... more...

Deportation Feeds a Cycle of Violence in Central America
Since the early nineties, criminal gang networks operating across the border between the United States and Central America have exploded in power and number. The gangs take advantage of loopholes in international immigration and deportation policies to spread their influence through extreme ... more...

Wall Street to Main Street: News, Views and Commentary: April 5, 2006
Its Wednesday April 5, 2006, the first quarter of the year has ended and institutions have been shifting their funds around because its that time of the year. Some of the big movers are in the financial industry such as Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS), since January of this year the stock has made ... more...

Planning Your In-Wall Speaker System
So youve finally decided to get your favorite music throughout your house. Whats next? Where do you go from here? That depends upon your requirements and weather this will be an installation in an existing home or a music system in a new construction home.First, you need to decide which rooms you ... more...

Gun Defense Questions and Answers. Why have a gun in the first place?
I have been called, e-mailed and stopped on the street, questioned in my office, at a couple of places where I shop, and at the post office. I do radio ads for Steele's Gun Shop and I'm known to be familiar with firearms to some degree. I have been asked about what kind of gun or ammo to purchase ... more...

7 Cold Calling Secrets Even The Sales Gurus Don't Know
More and more e-mails are arriving in my in-box from people who hate cold calling. Here's what they're saying: Cold calling terrifies me. The phone feels like a 10,000-pound weight. Every time I have to make a cold call, I freeze up. I feel like a fraud when Im cold calling. I cant take the ... more...

Strategic Acquisition Strategies for Small Businesses
Growth through acquisition should not be considered an option reserved solely for large or Public Companies. Small and mid-size businesses that opt to grow by acquiring other companies, rather than growing one new customer at a time, can gain benefits in addition to increased sales and profits ... more...

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