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Disclosure Rules on Adjustable Rate Mortgages
August 5, 2002, Revised October 14, 2005 Adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) pose the greatest challenge to a disclosure system because of their complexity, the wide array of different types, and the frequency with which they mutate. New types of ARMs appear frequently, and old types ... more...

Shopping For a Mortgage On-Line
September 19, 2005, Revised December 5, 2005, Revised January 12, 2005 This article is on the why, which, and how of shopping for a mortgage on-line: why seek a mortgage this way, which sites are the best, and how do you shop effectively?  Why Shop For a ... more...

types of mortgages related definitions

Regulation Z
Regulation Z, Reg Z A federal regulation requiring creditors to provide full disclosure of the terms of a loan including the terms of the loan and the annual percentage rate (APR). APR is a interest rate reflecting the cost of a mortgage as a yearly rate. This rate ... more...

Annual percentage rate APR
Annual percentage rate (A.P.R.) Is a interest rate reflecting the cost of a mortgage as a yearly rate. This rate is likely to be higher than the stated note rate or advertised rate on the mortgage, because it takes into account ... more...

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Interest Only Loans
These days, as people scramble for new and more creative ways to finance buying a home, the interest only mortgage is becoming more common and well known. An interest only mortgage is one in which you have the option of paying only the interest (or just the interest and a portion of the principal) ... more...

Mortgage Companies - Different Types of Mortgage Lenders
If applying for a new home loan, there are numerous mortgage lending options. New homebuyers may not know where to start. Different mortgage lenders fit different circumstances. In fact, choosing the wrong lender may result in paying more interest. With this said, it is important for homebuyers to ... more...

Who's That Knocking At My Door? Investing To Rent!
Investing to rent can create the financial and real estate success you have been searching for, but it takes hard work, thoughtful preparation and practical knowledge. As a landlord you must be creative, fearless and intuitive. In the Tidewater area approximately one out of every five homebuyers ... more...

Fixed Rate Mortgage vs. Adjustable Rate Mortgage
The most basic distinction between types of mortgages that are available when you're looking to finance the purchase of a new home is how the interest rate is determined. Essentially, there are two types of mortgages - fixed rate mortgage and an adjustable rate mortgage. If you choose a fixed rate ... more...

Finding the Best Low Cost Secured Loan
If you're in the market for a low cost secured loan, you're in luck. A variety of lenders are available to offer you a low cost secured loan, and this means that you have several options for finding the low cost secured loan that's right for you.From banks and lending companies to online lenders, ... more...

Don't Be Scared By Interest Rates
Rates are the highest in almost four years. What does this mean? Is it really all doom and gloom?Let's look at what we have been hearing. That with rates up, homebuyers will pay thousands of additional dollars on their mortgages. For example, on a $500,000 mortgage, an extra .5% in interest rate ... more...

Fair Isaac Corporation Credit or FICO Score
As I am not from the US, I had no idea what FICO meant before researching it. FICO stands for Fair Isaac Corporation, a company based in California. FICO, put simply, is a person's credit score. A credit score can be used by a potential lender in making a judgement on whether to grant you credit or ... more...

A Beginner's Guide to Secured Loans
You may have heard the term secured loans used in the past, not knowing exactly what it meant but now that you're in the market for a loan you find yourself wanting to learn all that you can about secured loans.In essence, secured loans are little more than loans that give some measure of a ... more...

Comprehending a Credit Report
Obtaining a credit report is an excellent way to begin taking control of your financial future. It's recommended that you review your credit report once a year, not only to be aware of your standing with creditors but to also keep abreast of errors and fraud. However, once your report arrives you ... more...

How your Personal Credit Score Helps Generate Capital
Generating capital for your business is highly dependent on your personal credit score. Your Payment History makes up 35% of your entire personal credit score. The other key indicators that make up your credit score are Length of Credit History, New Credit, Types of Credit Used, and Amounts Owed. ... more...

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Mortgage Indexes Info
30 Yr Fixed Rate
15 Yr Fixed Rate
5/1, 3/1 ARM
12 MTA
COFI 11th District, Federal
12 Month LIBOR (USD)
1 Year CMT
Market Indexes Info
WSJ Prime Rate
Federal Funds
30 Year Treasury


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