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Mortgage Professor about tax sale: 
Is There a Substitute For Escrows?
April 5, 1999 "Your recent article on avoiding escrows did not consider the problem of the owner-seller who takes back a mortgage and does not want the responsibility of paying taxes and insurance. Yet the individual lender still needs to know that they are paid ... more...

How Much House Should You Buy?
16 August 2004 "My wife and I are arguing about whether to buy the $150,000 house we set out to buy, or the upgraded version for $185,000 that she fell in love with. She argues that we can afford the more expensive house with an ... more...

tax sale related definitions

Tax Sale
Tax Sale Property on which current county taxes have not been paid is "sold to the state." At this stage no actual sale takes place - the title is transferred to the state and the owner may redeem it by paying taxes, penalties and costs. If it has not been redeemed ... more...

Sheriff Sale
Sheriff Sale The sheriff's sale is a public auction held at the courthouse door, and anyone can bid on the property. The property is sold to the highest bidder and the proceeds are used to pay for the costs of the sale and to pay off the mortgage. A deed given at the ... more...

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Tax Advantages In A Home Business
Every year, several thousand people develop an interest in "going into business." Many of these people have an idea, a product or a service they hope to promote into an in come producing business which they can operate from their own homes.If you are one of these people, here are some practical ... more...

What To Expect In Closing Costs On A Home Purchase
Many are taking advantage of this years low mortgage rates to purchase a home. Pent up with excitement, many families, who have scrimped and saved for a down-payment, jump for joy when the mortgage lender finally approves their application. But, they should realize that theres a whole new set of ... more...

Reverse Annuity Mortgage - Tapping Into Your Equity
Reverse annuity mortgages (RAM) were created to allow older Americans to tap into the equity of their paid for or nearly paid for home. Homeowners receive a tax-free payment each month, and the mortgage is paid when the home is sold. Before you choose a RAM, make sure you have evaluated the risks ... more...

Government Seized Property Auctions
When people commit crimes, the government seizes their property associated with the commission of the crimes. This means the government seized property becomes auction goods for the general public to bid on. At a government seized property auction, property can include the following:VEHICLES:The ... more...

10 Important Tips to Successful Real Estate Investing
When it comes to investing, everybody has certain goals and aspirations. However, we have found that there are certain guidelines every aspiring real estate investor needs to know:1. Compare Property Values and RentsFinancial statistics only go so far; the best measure of a property's market value ... more...

FSBO You Can Save Thousands in 7 Easy Steps
1.Determine Your Market Value: Some of leading edge real estate brokers offer a free over-the-net home evaluation. Online; city and county tax records, Realtor.com, bank on line home evaluation tools. Local legal business newspapers.2.Preparing Your Home To Sell: The idea is to have the best home ... more...

HELOCs and Second Mortgages: Which One Should I Choose?
Whether you need some extra cash to pay off some credit card debts, or to make some home improvements, home equity lines of credit or second mortgages can be great ways to get started.Many people looking to borrow money often opt for home equity line of credit, or HELOCs, for short. They are a ... more...

How a 1031 Exchange Works
A section 1031 tax deferral allows an investor to sell a property, then reinvest the proceeds in a new property and defer all capital gain taxes. Specific conditions for the exchange state that it must be of like-kind and must take place within 45 days of the close of the sale. To understand more ... more...

Real Estate Problem Solver
IntroductionThere are many areas one can invest in. Since I was 15 years old I have looked for the fastest, most effective way to accumulate a lot of wealth, with the least amount of risk. I am now 58. While looking for this road to truth, I spent a lot of time in the school of hard knocks. The ... more...

Reverse Annuity Mortgage Tapping Into Your Equity
Reverse annuity mortgages (RAM) were created to allow older Americans to tap into the equity of their paid for or nearly paid for home. Homeowners receive a tax-free payment each month, and the mortgage is paid when the home is sold. Before you choose a RAM, make sure you have evaluated the risks ... more...

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