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Mortgage Professor about tax deduction limits: 
Second Mortgage Versus 401K Loan
July 10, 2000 "I need $10,000 for a home improvement.  I can either take out a home equity loan or I can borrow from my 401K retirement fund.  Would the tax benefits on the home equity loan outweigh the advantage of ... more...

How Much House Should You Buy?
16 August 2004 "My wife and I are arguing about whether to buy the $150,000 house we set out to buy, or the upgraded version for $185,000 that she fell in love with. She argues that we can afford the more expensive house with an ... more...

tax deduction limits related definitions

Tax Sale
Tax Sale Property on which current county taxes have not been paid is "sold to the state." At this stage no actual sale takes place - the title is transferred to the state and the owner may redeem it by paying taxes, penalties and costs. If it has not been redeemed ... more...

Section 8 Housing
Section 8 Housing The Section 8 program began during the Great Depression to increase the housing choices available to very low-income households by making privately-owned rental housing affordable to them. It provides rent subsidies, either rental certificates or vouchers, on ... more...

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What Is Tax Law?
The federal tax code is complex. This complexity generally arises from two factors: the use of the tax code for purposes other than raising revenue, and the feedback process of amending the code.While its main intent is to provide revenue for the federal government, the tax code is frequently used ... more...

Deducting Points On Home Refinances
Deduction of Refinance PointsAny points that you pay in the refinancing of your residence are tax deductible over the length of the loan in question. The deduction is allowable only if the residence is your primary home and the new mortgage replaces a previous one and/or is used to improve the ... more...

History Of The Federal Income Tax
The powers of Congress, and the limitations set upon those powers, are set forth in Article I of the United States Constitution. Section 8 specifies both the power to collect, "Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises," and the requirement that, "Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout ... more...

An Estate Planning Primer
An estate plan can be designed by clients and their professional advisors to achieve the clients personal and financial objectives. Or, it can be an arrangement imposed upon survivors by state intestate succession laws if someone dies without a valid, up-to-date will. Even though a will is the most ... more...

Are You Overpaying Taxes If You Use Tax Preparation Software?
For many business owners the answer to this quandary is tax preparation software. Fill out a fairly simple interview, click print and out comes a completed return that will pass muster with the IRS. The answer to all your problemsor is it?Can One Software Program Cover All Businesses?Take a moment ... more...

Are You An Innocent Victim of These Popular Myths?
Misconceptions, misinterpretations and just plain untruths are floating about income taxes. Believing them could be costing thousands of tax dollars!Myth: A Professional Tax Preparer knows all there is to know about taxes so you don't have to know anything them.Truth: Tax ... more...

Divorce and Uncle Sam: Top 10 Things You Should Know When Filing Your Taxes
1. What is my filing status? (Married, Single, Head of Household) Marital standing at year end determines your filing status for the entire year. If you have a decree of divorce or separate maintenance, signed by a judge, you should file as single. Regardless of whether you have a signed decree you ... more...

Honey, I Shrunk The Mortgage Interest Deduction Plan 1
The political landscape this year has been nothing but ugly. It promises to come to full boil with the proposed tax reform eliminating or reducing the mortgage interest deduction.Tax Reform or Raising TaxesThere is an old saying about the two political parties. Democrats raise taxes while ... more...

Home Loans and Mortgages The Myth of Tax Deductible Interest
Home ownership has risen sharply in recent years, and the percentage of Americans who own their own homes is approaching a record seventy percent. Thats a good thing; wed all rather live in our own home than consider the alternatives. The most common method of purchasing a home is by taking out a ... more...

Ifs and VATs of Taxation in Macedonia - Should VAT be Applied in Macedonia?
To be justified, taxes should satisfy a few conditions:Above all, they should encourage economic activity by providing incentives to save and to invest. Savings - transformed into investments- enhance productivity and growth of the economy as a whole.A tax should be simple - to administer and to ... more...

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