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Mortgage Professor about sheriff sale strategy: 
The Fully Amortizing Mortgage and Savings Discipline
February 7, 2005 ?The equity from sale of our old house will cover the first 6 months of payments on the new one. To avoid spending this money, we plan to make 6 payments immediately, then we have 6 months to save enough from our current income to repeat the process. Is this ... more...

Is There a Yield on a Shorter Mortgage Term?
December 20, 1999 "Your recent column suggested that a larger down payment can be viewed as an investment yielding a return. This made me wonder whether you can view a shorter term mortgage in the same way?" Indeed ... more...

sheriff sale strategy related definitions

Sheriff Sale
Sheriff Sale The sheriff's sale is a public auction held at the courthouse door, and anyone can bid on the property. The property is sold to the highest bidder and the proceeds are used to pay for the costs of the sale and to pay off the mortgage. A deed given at the ... more...

Tax Sale
Tax Sale Property on which current county taxes have not been paid is "sold to the state." At this stage no actual sale takes place - the title is transferred to the state and the owner may redeem it by paying taxes, penalties and costs. If it has not been redeemed ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

How to Sell Your Home by Owner And Double Your Profit When You Sell
When you want to sell your home, you are probably looking for someone who can qualify for a bank mortgage to buy your home, right?Assuming you are successful in finding such a buyer, the costs of the sale will probably wipe out your equity, or profit on the sale.The National Association of Realtors ... more...

Is Your Marketing Missing The Cookie Factor
Is your marketing pouring some serious money down the drain, because you dont have a cookie factor? Just what the heck is a cookie factor anyway? And, how can you apply this simple marketing strategy and psychological principle to rake in some big bucks? You Buy $30 Takeaway, You Get Free Coke and ... more...

The Top 3 House Hunting Resources Other Than Your Realtor To Help You Find Your Dream Home!
If youre ready to start house hunting, its a good idea to come up with a plan for finding your dream home.The first step is to find a good realtor to help you through the house buying process. There are lots of little details, and having someone to help you remember all of them is a great idea ... more...

Inter-Linking Articles Strategy What You Need to Know
Webmasters have so much information available to them on the Internet about how to increase traffic to their web sites, but how do you keep visitors on the site when they get there? If you happen to use the articles format in order to provide interesting content for your readers, have you ... more...

Finding The Perfect Maui Home For Sale
If you are thinking of relocating to Maui, this article will hopefully guide you to making a positive decision when thinking of buying a home there. Hopefully, by the end you will be one step closer to finding a Maui home for sale, and being able to purchase it.Maui is an island belonging to Maui ... more...

Apartments For Sale In Coppell Texas
When most people think of apartments, they think of renting the apartment based on the amount of time their lease is for. However, there are apartments for sale as well, and the process of buying one works a lot like taking out a mortgage for a home. There are mainly two reasons why owning an ... more...

Death, Taxes, and Foreclosures
So how do you find the best foreclosures. Its not easy as the business is very competitive, especially in this current crazy real estate boom. Firstly you must be methodical as well as diverse. Deals are all over the place. It is recommended you specialize in an area that you are familar with ... more...

For Business Owners Only - You Cant Be Fired But Neither Can You Quit
The decision to sell, or not to sell your business is a difficult one. There are many questions that need to be answered before an informed decision can be made. Is selling your best alternative? Will one of the kids want to take over the business? Timing is everything. Is now the right time? ... more...

Real Estate Terms From Appraisals to Comps
When youre selling your home or other real property on your own, you dont have to know everything about the process. It does help to have a practical knowledge of the terms that come up during the process.Keep in mind, these arent intended as be all, end all, penultimate definitions. Theyre ... more...

Money Smart Homeowners Use this Mortgage Strategy Every Time
There are currently more than 50 million home mortgages in the United States today. So why arent more homeowners taking advantage of the highest yielding lowest risk, tax-free financial strategy available today?Let me ask you.Where can you....... Forego only $3.35 in tax savings (three dollars and ... more...

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