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Mortgage Professor about rental property: 
How Much of Your House Does an Investor Deserve?
1 August 2005 "I have a friend who wants to put up the 20% down payment I need to purchase my house. It would be an investment by him, which he would recover when I sell the house or in 7 years, whichever comes first. Our problem is in determining the percent of the house ... more...

Can Rental Income Help You Qualify For a Mortgage?
February 28, 2000 "I am looking to buy a property that I will occupy part of the year. The rest of the time it will be rented out for a guaranteed amount. Will the lender include the rental income in qualifying me for a loan?" Yes, the lender will include some of ... more...

rental property related definitions

Section 8 Housing
Section 8 Housing The Section 8 program began during the Great Depression to increase the housing choices available to very low-income households by making privately-owned rental housing affordable to them. It provides rent subsidies, either rental certificates or vouchers, on ... more...

Owner Occupied Property
Owner Occupied Property A borrower uses the property as a primary residence. An Owner Occupied loan is secured by property, typically with the borrower renting and occupying the space. If more than one unit, the lease payments may directly support principal and interest ... more...

More about rental property

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

What is a Buy To Let Mortgage?
A buy to let mortgage is a mortgage on a property which is to be let out or rented, rather than occupied by the owner. A buy to let mortgage is exactly as it sounds - a mortgage that allows you to buy a property in order to let if out to a tenant.This type of mortgage is similar to most others ... more...

The Many Benefits Of Lease Purchasing
Lease Purchasing affords wonderful benefits and opportunities to sellers, buyers, investors and those who would like to operate a home-based business. Lease Purchasing allows you to control property without ownership which has benefits for all. What Is A Lease Purchase? A Lease Purchase is a ... more...

Rental Property Management - Ten Questions
Why hire rental property management? Because doing it all yourself is the surest way to make your real estate investment experience a bitter one. You also have more time to find the next deal when there is someone taking care of the details for you. Hire a good property manager, but first ask the ... more...

Buying Your First Investment Property
"Begin With The End In Mind"I first heard the phrase "Begin with the end in mind" in a Steven Covey book called "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". This expression makes a lot of sense because the fact is, you can't get where you're going, unless you know where you want to go.Most new ... more...

Investment Properties In Atlanta Georgia
Is the amount you would have to charge in rent comparable to similar rentals in the same area? Be alert, and notice what people are asking for. You might have to make some phone calls to get an idea.You will also need to determine the length of the lease. Usually leases come in increments of six ... more...

Sellers, Are You Having A Hard Time Selling Your Home?
Sue and Chuck DeFiore have the perfect solution for you Lease Purchasing your home!What is Lease Purchasing?A Lease Purchase is a process that combines a basic rental lease with an agreement to purchase, or with an option to purchase the property. The Buyer (or Lease-Purchaser) pays to the seller ... more...

Home Equity Dont Spend It on Risky Investments
The housing market has exploded in the last five years, and homeowners are finding that the equity in their homes is greater than it has ever been. The equity in a home is the difference between the market value of the home and the amount still owed on it. As home prices increase, so does the ... more...

Spain Excellent Choice for British SIPP Investors
Second homes in favourite holiday destinations such as Spain are likely to be top of the shopping list when the pension rules change April 6th 2006, allowing individuals to invest in residential property through Self Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs).Research shows that Spain's mature market makes ... more...

Send Your Child to College FREE!
College is one of the largest expenses through the course of your child’s life. It is also one of the main causes of debt in America. With today's rates of inflation, it is very hard to save for an event that will occur eighteen years down the road. However, capitalistic America has provided many ... more...

Think You Cant Afford Your Own Home, Think Again!
Do you have bad credit, no credit, filed a bankruptcy, have a ton of late pays, medical bills, or been through a divorce? Well, we have the perfect solution for you - Lease Purchasing your own home!What is Lease Purchasing?A Lease Purchase is a process that combines a basic rental lease with an ... more...

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