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REIT: Real Estate For The Elite
While real estate syndicates are formed for a variety of reasons, the typical reason is to create a tax shelter. More specifically, the purpose of a Real Estate Investment Trusts or REIT is to reduce or eliminate corporate income taxes. In the United States, where they are generally more widespread ...
How Corporations Can Use Real Estate To Access Untapped Capital
Most corporations of any size and scale have large investments in the land and facilities necessary for the successful operation of their business. While making corporate investments into real estate assets may seem to be a reasonable strategy at first glance, they are rarely investment or capital ...
How to Choose a Capital Provider and Navigate Commercial Capital Markets
Financing a commercial real estate transaction is no longer a simple matter. Now, there are many considerations that must be evaluated when selecting a capital provider.In order to increase project
velocity, improve operating efficiency, conserve internal capital,
increase leverage and lower the ...
I Want to Buy a Home - Now What?
If you were to ask 100 women "What would you like to achieve financially?" Buying a home or apartment is usually one of the answers. Some women think that they can never own a home - which is not true! In fact, there are so many success stories of home buyers who never thought they would get there. ...
Leverage - Margin Debt
What is leverage?Here is a definition of leverage from an online dictionary
"leverage - The use of credit or borrowed funds to improve
one's speculative capacity and increase the rate of return
from an investment, as in buying securities on margin."Essentially, the core idea of leverage is that ...