Top 10 Tips You Must Know When Buying a Car
1. You should purchase your new car at or around Christmas time because with everybody buying their Christmas presents, not many of them are looking to buy a new car, and it forces dealerships to up their sales strategies. Salesmen are more willing to haggle down to your prices to close the deal.2. ...
Home Equity Loan Good Choice for Luxury Purchases?
Home equity loans or lines of credit have increased dramatically in popularity in recent years. One of the reasons is that interest rates are at or near historic lows; borrowing money has rarely been more affordable. Another reason is that Americans are enjoying record amounts of equity as home ...
How a Credit Card Can Be Your Friend
We have all heard countless stories of people over their
heads with credit card debt-maxing out every card they own,
then only being able to afford the minimum monthly payment.
High interest payments shackle people to their debt for
years, not to mention the significant income drain the
finance ...
Home Mortgages: Does a No-Closing-Cost Loan Make Sense for You?
I have heard a number of radio ads and have seen many newspaper ads offering no closing cost home mortgages. These ads will tell you that you can get a new mortgage or refinance your existing mortgage at absolutely with absolutely no closing costs.. There are no points, no charges for an appraisal, ...
Home Buying - A Good Investment
The trend of having multiple properties is not something new but this is becoming a mass act these days.Earlier multiple buying was not very common practice but these days its the hot favorite of the public to buy more than one house or land or any other form of property. The middle class or upper ...
Consumer Buying Guidlines
We have all made a purchase didn't really want or need. It could have been the sales person and their pushy attitude or the price was simply to good to passup. How many times have we come home and said, "I wish I hadn't bought that."Well here are some guidelines to follow while shopping to ensure ...
Top 10 Car Buying Tips
The first thing that you should know when you want to buy a new car is that both you and the dealer are looking to get the better end of the deal. In this article, I'm going to show you how to walk away from the deal with both sides being satisfied.A good deal is a win, win situation for both ...
Which Credit Card To Apply For? - Tips To Help You Choose
So many different choices for credit cards: 0% APR credit cards, travel rewards credit cards, 0% balance transfer credit cards, and cash back credit cards. Selecting the right card for the way you use your credit card can mean a big difference in your pocketbook. Use this quick guide to help you ...
Wiffle Ball World Series (excerpt from book)
Benny was a really bad sport. Benny had a front porch that smelled of onions that his mother was storing for some inexplicable purpose. And his father toyed with taxidermy on the side and always had decaying animal parts in the garage. Nice place to visit huh? Oh, and if you felt hot in the ...