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Mortgage Professor about real property sales contract: 
How to Shop For a Mortgage
September 24, 2003, Revised November 12, 2004 Shopping for a mortgage effectively isn?t easy. Reforms proposed by HUD, which were pending at the time this article was first drafted, and which promised to make the process much easier, were never enacted.   ... more...

Questions About Title Insurance
December 16, 2002 "What is title insurance?"   Title insurance is protection against loss arising from problems connected to the title to your property.   Before you purchased your home, it may have gone through several ownership changes, and ... more...

real property sales contract related definitions

Land Contract
Land Contract A contract selling arrangement whereby the buyer may use and occupy land, but no deed is given by seller until the sales price has been paid. Also commonly called a conditional sales contract, installment sales contract or real property sales contract, used ... more...

Sheriff Sale
Sheriff Sale The sheriff's sale is a public auction held at the courthouse door, and anyone can bid on the property. The property is sold to the highest bidder and the proceeds are used to pay for the costs of the sale and to pay off the mortgage. A deed given at the ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

13 Extra Costs to be Aware of Before Buying a Home
Whether you're looking to buy your first home, or trading up to a larger one, there are many costs - on top of the purchase price - that you must figure into your calculation of affordability. These extra fees, such as taxes and other additional costs, could surprise you with an unwanted financial ... more...

Pre-Foreclosure Investing
The advantage to buying a property at a foreclosure auction is that you can often pay far less than you would have under normal circumstances. Frequently you can invest in improvements and then sell the home for a much higher price than your cost.The disadvantages and risks are more numerous. ... more...

Five Reasons for Tenants to Buy Instead of Renting - An Economic Perspective
If you are presently a Tenant anywhere in North America, before you plan to remain a Tenant you should read this Article. There are several good reasons for ownership to prevail over tenancy and the real estate profession is littered with extremely clever pointers as to why Tenants should buy - and ... more...

Understanding Real Estate Terminology
Purchasing a home can be a complicated and confusing process, especially for first-time buyers. Throughout the process, first-time home buyers will encounter a variety of unfamiliar real state terms. There are several key terms associates with purchasing real estate that are helpful to learn.For ... more...

Real Estate Professional in the Palm of Your Hand
GETTING THE MOST FOR THE LEASE-TRACKING YOUR REAL ESTATEIf you own rentals and/or investment properties, you know that you have to keep track of your portfolio, maintenance profiles, property managers, and related financial matters. There are a multitude of programs for the Palm-Pilot system to ... more...

For Sale By Owner - Why Use a Realtor Anyway
For Sale By Owner is just as it sounds, a homeowner trying to sell their home without the assistance of a REALTOR. Can you do this, sure! Do they actually get their house sold, sure! Is it typical? No. About 80% of FSBOs end up listing their homes with a Professional REALTOR anyway. Heres why ... more...

Cashing Out of Preforeclosures - Exit Strategies for Maximum Profit
One of the quickest ways to real estate profits is through preforeclosures. What is a preforeclosure, exactly? A preforeclosure takes place from the time the bank gives notice of default to the time the house sells at auction. Typically, this is around the time of 90 days into default, depending on ... more...

How to Convert Your Real Estate Notes into Quick Cash
If youre a real estate investor needing quick cash, selling your notes could offer a fast, easy solution. It can happen to anyone. You find yourself in a situation where you need a chunk of cashinstantly. Maybe you have to handle an emergency or simply want to free up funds to invest elsewhere. ... more...

What You Need to Know to About Your Mortgage Transaction
The Roles of A Mortgage Lender, Broker and Sales AgentBuying a home can be an exciting but confusing event, especially if it is your very first time. There are so many options for sales agents, brokers, mortgage lenders, types of mortgages and mortgage rates. It can be difficult understanding all ... more...

Real Estate: Financial Considerations $$$
Raw land as opposed to improved property is much more difficult to finance through traditional lenders. The main reasons are that it generates very little income, development costs can be expensive, there are no buildings or improvements that can be used as collateral, and it is often considered ... more...

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