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Mortgage Prepayment: Is it a Good Investment?
April 19,1999 "At the present time I can afford to double the monthly payment on my 7 5/8% mortgage, which would reduce the length of my loan from 25 to 5 years. However, if I were to deposit the extra payment in my savings account, I would earn 3% interest on it. ... more...

Simple Interest Biweekly Mortgage: A Scam?
April 19, 2004 "Is there any type of mortgage that is particularly vulnerable to abuse?" No mortgage is abusive in itself. However, the more complicated ones offer more opportunities for unscrupulous loan providers to take advantage of unsophisticated borrowers. Adjustable- ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Massive Sales - Compelling Headlines Get Results - Your Headline Can Make or Break Your Results
Headlines are the most critical part of any sales material; letter, advert, brochure, web site, sales script -- in fact anything you write to promote your business product or service.The most important thing to remember when creating your headline is what interests you may not attract your audience ... more...

Inter-Linking Articles Strategy What You Need to Know
Webmasters have so much information available to them on the Internet about how to increase traffic to their web sites, but how do you keep visitors on the site when they get there? If you happen to use the articles format in order to provide interesting content for your readers, have you ... more...

How to Write a Business Plan in Five Steps
People often ask "What makes a good business plan? Or, "How do I make my plan attractive to lenders and investors?".The simple answer is that lenders and investors (I'll call them "readers" from here on out) are looking for "good deals". A "good deal" is one that offers the reader a reasonable rate ... more...

Benefits to RSS
RSS streamlines communication between publishers and readers. Since RSS has had a popularity surge, webmasters have been experimenting and using RSS feeds to deliver content in new and innovative ways. Typically, RSS feeds contain news headlines and content summaries. The content summaries contain ... more...

Writing Query Letters that Count -- Close the Deal with Your First Letter!
Your query letter can be a deal maker or a deal breaker. So, if your query letter just lies there, you've killed the sale immediately or your story or novel immediately. If you want that story -- your baby -- to be read, reach out of that query letter, grab the publisher, editor or literary agent ... more...

Mortgage Broker Marketing: What's Wrong with Your Marketing Materials
Many times mortgage broker marketing materials fail because of some simple mistakes. The most common errors found in materials include:Feature-Focused The content of the message is focused on you, not the prospect. For example, companies often promote their years of experience in their literature, ... more...

Why You Should Write To Inform And Not To Sell
Advertising is key! Unfortunately most people waste their money on advertising unless they can play by the numbers. Playing by the numbers is simply spending enough money on advertising and saturating the market so much, that percentage wise, enough people will want to see what you have to offer. ... more...

Assimilation or Resistance: A Comparison of Two African American novels
These two novels are divergent in regards to time frame, family relationship, and class. The female protagonists are both young, African Americans but their lives are complete opposites. Before reading these texts, the only African American literature that I had read and studied have been slave ... more...

Still Using Federal Reserve Notes?(How to Beat Inflation)
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6 This short article will address the topic of inflation, its causes, the effects thereof, and how to safeguard against it. Do not fall victim to inflation, i.e., the government manipulation of your money. Let me explain. I. What Causes ... more...

Grab Your Audience by Focusing on Benefits
Have you ever chosen to pay attention to someone just because they were so self-absorbed they didnt even know you were in the room? Of course not! We pay attention to people who take an interest in us. If we want our readers to pay attention to us, we better pay attention to them!The people we come ... more...

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