Debt Tips
Debt is great, in fact, I don't know what I'd do without it. Debt teaches you to manage your money. Debt builds credit. And if you play your cards right, debt will actually earn money for you. It's all simple. If your credit is bad right now, this may not work. But if you have average or ...
Effectively Monitor The Progress of Your Email Communications!
The rise of Internet accessibility to the masses has revolutionized the way people work, play and communicate. Email communication has become the most popular means of information exchange in business and personal use. Personal computers, notebook, hand held devices and cellular telephones all ...
Loans 101: Application and Approval
A loan is a type of debt. Like all debts, a loan involves the re-allocation of money over a period of time between the borrower and the lender. The borrower initially receives an amount of money from the lender. This money is paid back either in full or in regular installments (with interest of ...
Loan Officer Marketing Why Realtors Dont Read Your Brochures
When you place brochures from every mortgage company side by side, you cant help but notice the similarities. Each piece mentions that they have every possible loan program available, proven & experienced professionals, fast & friendly service, a list of documents needed to process the loan, a ...
Divining Your Life Path Number
The Life Path is determined by the sum that is arrived at after reducing your birth date by adding digits together. This number represents the traits and talents that you were born with and the probable journey you will take during your lifetime. In a way it represents what path you will take ...
Buying Your First Handgun
Preparing to buy your first handgun can be quite daunting. They arent cheap. New handguns range in price from $250.00 to $2,500.00. And to complicate the matter even further, there are many different manufactures and choices. I tell people in my carry permit course that there are as many ...
Mortgage Broker Marketing: Can You Tell The Difference
If you ask a real estate agent, Whats the difference between mortgage brokers? youll consistently hear the same response, Nothing, or Theyre all the same. Yet, when you look closely, there are lots of differences between them.There are mortgage brokers who get 98% of their loans closed on time, and ...
Is Your Autoresponder Truly Promoting Your Company?
Getting other people to promote your web site is one of the most popular Internet marketing methods around, today. Affiliate relationships are all the rave with people who have web sites. Web marketers worldwide are trading links everyday, in hopes of driving each other's traffic to their ...
The Published Novelist: Nine Essential Qualities
So what does it actually take to make it as a selling writer? And beyond that, what does it take to ride out the tough spots in a highly competitive field?These are questions I get asked on a regular basis from readers, as well as people who are just plain curious about someone who chooses to sit ...
Interview with Jan Walker, author of "An Inmate's Daughter"
Prison parent/family educator, Jan Walker, is speaking with us today about her newly published book. Jan is trained in child and family studies and has spent the past 18 years as a correctional educator for adult felons in medium custody prisons. Welcome to Reader Views Jan.Irene: Jan, your book, ...