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Mortgage Professor about property tax: 
Pros and Cons: Mortgage Insurance Versus Higher Rate
December 6, 1999 "We have a 5 percent down payment and our lender has offered us a Tax Advantage Mortgage Insurance plan instead of conventional private mortgage insurance (PMI). Instead of paying a mortgage insurance ... more...

How Can I Avoid Escrows on My Mortgage?
February 8, 1999 "Is it wise to try and get the lender to waive the requirement that taxes and insurance premiums be placed in escrow? I would rather manage that money myself and earn the interest on it. How do I negotiate ... more...

property tax related definitions

Tax Sale
Tax Sale Property on which current county taxes have not been paid is "sold to the state." At this stage no actual sale takes place - the title is transferred to the state and the owner may redeem it by paying taxes, penalties and costs. If it has not been redeemed ... more...

Homestead Exemption
Homestead Exemption Status provided to a homeowner's principal residence - the dwelling (house and contiguous land) of the head of a family -in some states that protects the home against judgements up to specified amounts. Some states grant statutory exemptions, protecting ... more...

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Don't Sell Your House--Ever!
Keeping your existing house when you buy a new one could be THE most profitable financial decision you could make. Consider the following:1. Second stream of income: When you move to another place and keep your current house as a rental, this gives you an extra stream of income.2. Pay less tax: ... more...

Buy to Let Property Investment
In recent years buy to let has been a popular way of investing in residential property. Stock markets are out of favour with many investors who have seen the values of their portfolios, endowment policies and pension funds shrink, whereas property has generally continued to rise in value. Interest ... more...

Buying To Let Top Ten Tips
Buying to let is considered a serious investment and should not be conducted without some equally serious research. Our top ten tips will get you on the right path to finding out all you need to know to become a seriously successful landlord.1 -- Choose the right propertyEnsure the property is in ... more...

Estate Planning Overview, Part I
Why Plan Your Estate?The knowledge that we will eventually die is one of the things that seem to distinguish humans from other living beings. At the same time, no one likes to dwell on the prospect of his or her own death. But if you postpone planning for your passing until it is too late, you run ... more...

How to Deal With A Death in the Family and Still Run Your Small Business
As a small business owner we have to deal with tax law changes, local ordinances, environmental laws, Workers Compensation, etc. Just when we thought we had everything under control, something terrible happenes. A death in the family. Oh my God you say? What do I do now? Well since I have been ... more...

5 Reasons Why you Need a Mortgage on a Property in Spain
I choose the word need carefully for it is more urgent than the alternative want and adds more strength to the issues discussed. For most readers though the need word will apply, perhaps not in all cases, but certainly in some and I would stress an understanding of how the issues impact you ... more...

Negative Gearing Its Not to Your Benefit!
The concept of negative gearing has been originally developed to encourage real estate investment in Australia by allowing any income losses from property investment to be deductible from other income as a tax benefit. This means that the taxable income of the owner will be reduced after the ... more...

Real Estate Tax Incentives
Lower Your TaxesTax incentives for real estate investors can often make the difference in your tax rates. Deductions for rental property can often be used to offset wage income. Tax breaks can often enable investors to turn a loss into a profit.For which items can investors get tax breaks? You ... more...

To Buy or Not to Buy
Purchasing a home is a major emotional and financial decision. Often times, people want to buy a home; however, emotionally cannot afford to commit to the home-buying process. They are, in fact, afraid. My payment will be too high or What if I lose my job, are some of the excuses which I often ... more...

Glossary of Common Terms Used During the Mortgage Process
APR - This stands for Annual Percentage Rate. It enables you to compare the full cost of the mortgage. Rather than just being an interest rate, it includes up front and ongoing costs of taking out a mortgage. The formula for calculating APR is set by Government Regulations and therefore enables ... more...

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