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Mortgage Professor about property survey: 
Is FHA Responsible For the Leaky Roof?
March 19, 2001 "We just purchased a home with an FHA loan and the seller did not disclose many problems?The roof leaks, the toilet is falling through the floor?FHA inspected the house before we moved in, and they will get the house if we default and move out? We thought ... more...

Settlement Costs Included in Annual Percentage Rate
July 11, 2002, Revised December 4, 2004 In principle, the APR should include all settlement costs that would not arise in an all-cash transaction.  Unfortunately, the current definition violates this rule in a number of instances, with no rhyme or reason.  The columns below ... more...

property survey related definitions

Closing The meeting between the buyer, seller and lender or their agents where the property and funds legally change hands. Also called settlement. Closing costs usually include an origination fee, ... more...

Sheriff Sale
Sheriff Sale The sheriff's sale is a public auction held at the courthouse door, and anyone can bid on the property. The property is sold to the highest bidder and the proceeds are used to pay for the costs of the sale and to pay off the mortgage. A deed given at the ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Mortgage Glossary of Terms
A brief list of some of the most common Mortgage terms.Adverse Credit The term used if the borrower has a poor credit history. This could include previous mortgage or loan arrears, bankruptcy or CCJ's. Other terms used to describe an adverse credit mortgage include: Bad credit mortgagePoor ... more...

Building Permits and Inspections
Probably the most intimidating part of building your own house is the permit process. Not only do the the requirements vary from township to township, but at times the decisions made seem so subjective that we find ourselves seething in frustration. However, permits and inspections are a ... more...

A Log Home Story
Solving problems while maximizing valuesThis story has a few good lessons and observations that no doubt can be used by you to take advantage of hidden opportunities that often lie in plain view for all to see, however, most people have not been trained or instructed on how to recognize or find ... more...

Mortgage Loans
A mortgage is a device used to create a lien on real estate by contract. The mortgage is an instrument that the borrower (called the mortgagor) uses to pledge real property to the lender (called the mortgagee) as security for a debt, also called hypothecation. The mortgage, as a rule, consists of ... more...

Where Does Your Real Estate Commission Fee Go - Why is The Commission so HIGH?
Many who have bought and sold properties through Realtors numerous times; even many real estate agents themselves, don't know where the commission money goes. After all, when a property sells for hundreds of thousands of dollars and the commission is tens of thousands of dollars, it seems like ... more...

Personal Finance - Have Consumers Had a Belly Full of Personal Debt?
For months, we were trigger-swipe happy, putting our groceries, clothes, holidays and service charges on our credit cards. We wanted mortgages, we took out loans, we watched Property Ladder and What Not To Wear. Whether you were born middle class, had middle class aspirations, you became middle ... more...

Cheap, Bargain, Real Estate; Good Deals, Below Market, Low Priced Properties Are Available...
Cheap, Bargain, Real Estate; Good Deals, Below Market, Low Priced properties are available if you know how to buy them. By Jody Hudson - Realtor since 1972. How to FIND and BUY: Cheap Bargain Real Estate, Good Deals, Below Market, Low Priced and Less Expensive; homes, lots, land, businesses, and ... more...

Getting Raw Land, Not a Raw Deal!
There is more to buying raw land than meets the eye and more than a few individuals have wished theyd had a second chance upon finding themselves duped, conned, misled, ill-advised, uninformed, oversold, undereducated and often unprepared. They realize, often too late, that a raw land purchase ... more...

Secured Lending - a Guide to Releasing the Value in Your Home
The recent boom in house price values have made some homeowners more wealth than they could have possibly earned though working in their jobs, however what use is all that wealth if you cant get your hands on it until youve sold your house? The quickest and easiest way to unlock the increased ... more...

Uk House Price Increases Take A Summer Holiday
Property website Rightmove has released its latest house price index announcing a Summer sale for house buyers. The report shows that on average, house prices fell by 1% over the four weeks leading up to 9th July, indicating that the affordability gap between house prices and buyers ability to ... more...

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