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Mortgage Professor about private mortgage: 
Fannie Mae Under the Gun
17 January 2005 The Accounting Scandal at Fannie Mae "The media has been full of stories recently about accounting scandals at Fannie Mae?Is this another Enron? What does it mean to John Q. Public?" It is an accounting scandal, and heads have rolled as a result, but it is not ... more...

Canceling Private Mortgage Insurance (1)
November 6, 2000 "Is it true that if my house appreciates to where I have 20% equity, I can have my mortgage insurance cancelled?" "My lender refuses to cancel my mortgage insurance because [Fill in the blank with any of a dozen reasons]. Is this legitimate ... more...

private mortgage related definitions

Private Mortgage Insurance, PMI
Private Mortgage Insurance, PMI Loans with an LTV over 80% may require Private Mortgage Insurance (in some cases 75% or 70% when refinancing). If you do not have a 20 percent down payment, lenders will allow a smaller down payment. With the smaller down payment loans, however ... more...

Mortgage Broker
Mortgage Broker A company or a qualified person that obtains mortgages for borrowers by finding lending institutions, insurance companies or private sources to lend the money. If a person, mortgage broker called a loan officer. A mortgage broker works for you, not for the ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Mortgage Loan Closing Costs
Closing costs for home refinancing or purchases are often misunderstood and frustrating for the buyer and seller (who is probably very soon going to be a buyer). Closing costs are assessed once a purchase agreement is finalized with the seller and/or their agent. The various costs will vary by ... more...

Expense List for Buying a Home
There are many expenses that come with buying a home. The following list is a good example of what to expect:Down payment - A minimum of 20% of the homes purchase price is usually required for the best loan terms and to avoid paying private mortgage insurance (see below), but its entirely possible ... more...

Mortgage Glossary - A Glossary of Mortgage Terms You Should Know
Acceleration Clause A clause in a mortgage defining that the entire outstanding balance can become due and payable should mortgage default occur. If the entire balance is not paid, the property will be foreclosed.Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Mortgage with interest rates that may be adjusted by ... more...

Home Equity - Let the Market Eliminate Your Private Mortgage Insurance
In decades past, most people who were interested in obtaining a home loan were required to put down at least 20% of the purchase price. Those days are gone, and as home prices have risen faster than incomes, the average down payment required by lenders has dropped. In fact, it is often possible ... more...

Mortgage 101: First Time Home Buyers Must Read!
There is so much information available to the first time home buyer both on and offline; there really is no excuse for the home buyer to not be educated when going into the mortgage buying process. However, it can be difficult to gather all the mortgage facts and terms into one easy to understand, ... more...

Cash Now For Your Real Estate Contract
BACKGROUND AND FUNDAMENTALSThe private mortgage industry is a relatively young business with roots that can be traced directly to the emergence of seller-backed, or owner, financing. Prior to the very high interest rates of the late 70s and 80s, seller-backed financing was not a common financing ... more...

Are You Suffering from Payment Protection Overload?
Critical illness insurance:Critical illness insurance will cover you in the event of a serious illness such as cancer, coronary artery by-pass surgery, heart attack, kidney failure, major organ transplant, multiple sclerosis and stroke. Additional conditions covered by this insurance can include ... more...

Home Equity Let the Market Eliminate Your Private Mortgage Insurance
In decades past, most people who were interested in obtaining a home loan were required to put down at least 20% of the purchase price. Those days are gone, and as home prices have risen faster than incomes, the average down payment required by lenders has dropped. In fact, it is often possible ... more...

How Mortgages Work in the Primary and Secondary Market
There are many institutions that loan money to home buyers. Commercial banks, private lenders, credit unions, mortgage bank companies, insurance companies and pension funds. It can get confusing as things are always changing in the mortgage industry.Policies, interest rates, mortgage programs, ... more...

No Money Down Real Estate - Fund All Your Deals With Private Lending!!
If you invest in real estate, you need cash to buy houses. Even if you have a full bank account and great credit, youll eventually run short on funds - or short on time to obtain a loan - for the next deal. Private lending is the answer. It is a bottomless pool of readily accessible funds: whether ... more...

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