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Mortgage Professor about prime rate: 
Is This a Good Time For an HEL?
7 June 2004 "I have a first mortgage for 161K at 7.125%, a second for 40K at 7.5%, and 50K of credit card debt at 13-19%. We could refinance the first and second mortgages into a fixed-rate loan at 6.25%. But we could also refinance them into a home equity loan at 4% (prime ... more...

Mortgage Prepayment Penalties
October 12, 2001, Revised November 17, 2004 What Is a Mortgage Prepayment Penalty? A prepayment penalty is a provision of your contract with the lender that states that in the event you pay off the loan entirely, you will pay a penalty. Penalties are usually expressed as a ... more...

prime rate related definitions

Prime Rate
Prime Rate In North American banking, the prime rate is the interest rate a banks charge to their best or "prime" customers. Each bank will quote a prime lending rate. Many institutions quote prime rates established by large money center commercial banks such as ... more...

Warehouse Fee
Warehouse Fee Some mortgage companies borrow money on a short term basis in order to originate loans which are to be sold later in the secondary mortgage market. When the prime rate of interest is higher on short term loans than on mortgage loans, the mortgage firm has an ... more...

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Adverse Credit Mortgage Loan - Persistence is the Key to Getting Approved
People with bad credit that are looking to get a home mortgage loan or to refinance their existing home mortgage loan, know how difficult of a job it can be to try and get approved. Adverse credit history can mean a little more legwork to get an approval for a mortgage loan, and especially to get ... more...

Poor Credit Mortgage - Overcoming Financial Slumber
There is a huge market for homeowners who have credit issues like - poor credit, sub prime loan borrowers. Some years ago what was seen as a sure sign of frustrated mortgage attempt is now opening a new variety of mortgage called poor credit mortgage.There are loan lenders who specialize in giving ... more...

FHA Mortgage Loans - The Benefits of an FHA Mortgage
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) insures mortgages to allow low to moderate income families to purchase their own home. With government backing, families can buy a home at a lower initial cost. However, there are limitations with this program.Mortgage Insurance Section 203(b)The FHA ... more...

Understanding Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loans
If borrowers are asked to vote for the most striking feature of credit cards that appeals them, then increased spending power ought to bag the largest number of votes. In fact this is a feature that distinguishes credit cards from cash, cheque, and the newly launched debit cards. Credit cards allow ... more...

Bad Credit Home Financing Mortgages for Less than Perfect Credit
Homebuyers must pick loan programs based on their credit history. Because of an influx of new home loans creating more financing options, many people are buying or refinancing homes with poor credit. Hence, low credit scores, bankruptcy, self-employment, or loss of job will not prevent some ... more...

Home Loans for Credit Challenged Borrowers
Just because you have negative items on your credit report doesn't mean you can't obtain a home mortgage loan. There are options for you. Bad credit is not the end of the world. It's true that getting a bad credit mortgage loan is not always the easiest or fastest mortgage loan out there, but you ... more...

The Online Mortgage Application is The Best Option For Good & Bad Credit
Are you ready to fill out a mortgage application and get your home loan process going? Consider applying for your mortgage online in order to get the best interest rate and the best loan program for you.There are many mortgage companies online that will offer you the option to complete your ... more...

Adverse Credit Mortgages - Home Buying Tips
Bad credit mortgage loans are available to individuals with bankruptcies, foreclosures, repo's, low credit ratings, etc. Unfortunately, having a negative credit rating means a higher mortgage rate and a limited choice of lenders. Still, there are numerous home loans to choose between. Thus, ... more...

Bad Credit Loans and Lender Questions & Answers
Q: What is a private investor and how do they differ from a hard money lender or a subprime lender?A: A private investor is an individual who lends out their own funds to borrowers who are unable to obtain a loan from a traditional lender such as a bank. It is also possible for private investors to ... more...

Car Loans After Bankruptcy How Long Do You Need to Wait to Get Approved?
The key to improving credit history after a bankruptcy is rebuilding credit. There are various ways to rebuild credit. These include obtaining a new credit card, line of credit, or automobile loan. Some people believe that bankruptcy makes it impossible to acquire new credit. However, this is not ... more...

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