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Mortgage Professor about poor credit: 
Should Mortgage Borrowers With Poor Credit Shop?
October 25, 1999 "You keep saying that home buyers ought to shop for the best mortgage terms, but suppose your credit rating sucks? Won't I have trouble finding a lender who will even deal with me, let along find a lot of them ... more...

When Good Credit Marries Bad Credit
November 2, 1998, Revised November 22, 2004 "My fiancee and I are first time buyers and would like to purchase a single family home in New Jersey. He has an outstanding credit report and I have a bad one (collections, ... more...

poor credit related definitions

Non Conforming Loan
Non Conforming Loan A loan that does not meet the Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac underwriting guidelines. This is also known as a portfolio mortgage. The loan can't be sold on the secondary market so it must keep it and service it in its own portfolio. Non-conforming loans have ... more...

Credit Score
Credit Score A single numerical score, based on an individual's credit history, that measures that individual's credit worthiness. Credit scores are as good as the algorithm used to derive them. The most widely used credit score is called ... more...

More about poor credit

Get Free poor credit Quotes and Estimates

Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Buying a Home With Poor Credit Is Easier Than Ever
Buying a home with poor credit is easier than ever with online mortgage brokers. You can easily find sub prime lenders, compare rates and terms, and complete the process on your schedule, not the banks.Online Sub Prime LendersSub prime lenders have moved online to offer their services nationwide. ... more...

Poor Credit Home Equity Loan - 3 Things To Watch Out For
Poor credit doesnt mean you have to lose money on high rates or fees. By being informed about what are reasonable terms, you can sift through the scams and unscrupulous companies. By watching out for the following three items, you can be sure to find an affordable home equity loan, even with a bad ... more...

Poor Credit? Get a Sub-Prime Mortgage Now, and Refinance to a Conventional Mortgage Later
There are great mortgage loans for people with poor credit, and yes, you can still save thousands of dollars. In order to receive preferential treatment for mortgage professionals, youll need a credit score of 680 or better (this is considered A credit). If you have a score that is less than 600, ... more...

Bad Credit Home Financing - Get The Mortgage Loan You Want Even With Poor Credit
Having poor credit alone cannot hold you back from getting the home loan you want. Buying a home that is everything you want in a home, is a very exciting experience. The blemishes on your credit history will not alone keep you from getting the home you want and the home you deserve.Here are some ... more...

Poor Credit Home Equity Loan Tips What Factors Do Lenders Consider?
Home equity loans have many useful purposes. On average, homeowners select these loans as a way to reduce and eliminate their credit card debts. This is a wise tactic considering that home equity loans have lower rates than most credit cards. Homeowners also have the option of choosing an ... more...

Secured Credit Cards- Consumer Tips
Whether you have no credit or damaged credit, secured credit cards are a good tool for building a good credit history.Several months ago Tom, a member of CreditBoards.com, filed for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Now he is in the process of rebuilding his credit history. Its a task that is not easy, but ... more...

Home Loan For People With Poor Credit
Home loans for people with poor credit are provided today with low rates and a variety of terms. The biggest factor in finding the best APR is to search for the right lender. Researching rates and terms online will ensure you find the best home loan financing.Lenders For Those With Poor CreditWith ... more...

Poor Credit Home Equity Loan Tips
A home equity loan can help repair your poor credit history. Begin by finding a competitive financing lender with affordable rates and terms. Next, work toward establishing a solid credit history, enabling you to lower your interest rates on future loans.Plan For The FutureA home equity loan can be ... more...

Get a Loan With a Poor Credit Rating
How do you go about obtaining a loan if you have a poor credit score? Is it even possible if you have declared bankruptcy? Well, the short answer is yes. It may be difficult however, so you should be ready to put up with a few rejections. You should also be ready to accept higher interest rates and ... more...

Home Loans For People With Poor Credit - Understanding The Requirements For a Subprime Mortgage
Home loans for people with poor credit demand that you understand the requirements for a subprime mortgage loan to get the best rates and terms. By satisfying the requirements, you can be assured of securing a subprime mortgage to buy a home.Time To Rebuild CreditDepending on subprime mortgage ... more...

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