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Mortgage Professor about points: 
Questions About Mortgage Points
16 February 2004, Revised February 22, 2005 What are points? Points are an upfront charge by the lender that is part of the price of a mortgage. Points are expressed as a percent of the loan amount, with 3 points being 3%. On a $100,000 loan, 3 points means a cash payment ... more...

Why Pay Points on a Mortgage?
June 22, 1998, Revised January 10, 2003, Revised Nov. 11, 2004 "A friend from the UK told me that over there mortgage borrowers don?t pay points, just an interest rate. Why do we have to pay points here?" ... more...

points related definitions

Back End Points vs. Front End Points
Back End Points vs. Front End Points A point is a type of mortgage slang for a percentage point. The technical term for point is loan origination fee. In laymen terms, a point is a fee you pay to a lender or broker. ... more...

Back End Pionts vs Front End Points
Back End Points vs. Front End Points A point is a type of mortgage slang for a percentage point. The technical term for point is loan origination fee. In laymen terms, a point is a fee you pay to a lender or broker ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Home Mortgages: Does It Ever Make Sense to Pay Points?
Interest rates on home mortgages are often quoted with and without points. A point equals one percent of the amount you are financing. This means that on a $150,000 mortgage, one point is $1500.00 and two points would be $3,000. These points are in addition to whatever other closing costs you might ... more...

Bad Credit? No Credit? Yeah, It's a Problem.
Many companies use the slogan "Bad Credit? No Credit? No Problem!" The truth is that it is in fact a problem and there is no easy way to correct it. It takes a lot of time and effort to obtain credit when you do not have any and even longer to fix bad credit. The first step to solving these ... more...

Check Your Stress Level Before You Book
You need to know your stress levels before you book a holiday. This quiz for evaluating stress originally surfaced in a Macmillan medical book in 1982 but in various forms it has been around for much longer. Basically what you need to know is whether you have been under too much stress in the past ... more...

Mortgage Points
If you have ever gone looking for quotes on a mortgage in order to find out just what a mortgage might cost you, you have probably had the term points thrown at you. So what are points?Each point is a fee and it is based on one percent of the total amount of the loan. There are a couple of ... more...

Points or Not to Points?
Mortgages can have many terms that are determined based on the clients personal financial situation. But should you pay points above and beyond the interest rate or not?Points are a single payment that are paid on the percentage of the loan amount. For example, let's say you take out a mortgage of ... more...

Mortgage Loan Should You Pay Points?
If you are in the process of shopping for a mortgage you may wonder about paying points. Many people will tell you to avoid paying points at all costs. Are there any advantages to paying points? Here is all you need to know about paying points on your mortgage loan.Points, often referred to as ... more...

Using Points To Cut Your Interest Rate
The general mantra in the real estate world is you want to avoid paying points when obtaining a mortgage. As with most assumptions, this is not always true.Using Points To Cut Your Interest RateWhen discussing mortgages, it is important to understand what points are. Points are essentially an ... more...

Home Mortgage Quote Problems? The Likely Culprit is Your Credit
Your credit has everything to do with home mortgage rates as lenders charge more points and higher interest charges to consumers with bad credit. Poor credit always implies greater risk, so lenders are entitled to be compensated for the risk they are taking.If you are a borrower who enjoys good ... more...

What Makes a Credit Score Rise or Fall?
OUR financial decisions can affect your credit score in surprising ways. Two credit-scoring simulators can help consumers understand the potential impact.The Fair Isaac Corporation, which puts out the industry-standard FICO scores, offers the myFICO simulator. A consumer with a score of 707 ... more...

Understanding Mortgage Points
When a mortgage broker asks a borrower to pay points, he or she is asking for a lending fee expressed as a percentage of the value of the loan. For example, two points on a deal worth $100,000 works out to $2,000.Sometimes, a lender may require the borrower to pay "origination points" on a mortgage ... more...

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