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HUD's Proposals For Reform
October 19, 2002 On July 29, 2002, HUD released a set of proposals to substantially change the ways in which home loans are originated in the US.  As usual, the proposals were open for comment, and many thousands of them were received.  Mine was among them, and is shown ... more...

Cash-out Mortgage Refinance or Home Equity Loan?
Column Delivered August 21, 2000, Revised September 6, 2002 ?I need $50,000 to remodel my house.  Is it better to refinance my existing mortgage (with a balance about $140,000) into a new $190,000 mortgage, or should I borrow the extra $50,000 with a home equity loan.? ... more...

points mortgage home new related definitions

Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan
Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan A secured loan (mortgage) that is subordinate to another loan against the same property. More specifically, the second loan in sequence. Generally, second mortgage hass a higher interest rate and with shorter terms than a ... more...

Home Equity Loan
Home Equity Loan A home equity loan is borrowing against the equity you have acquired in your home. Lets suppose your original mortgage was $175,000.00, but your house is worth $225,000.00. The difference is $50,000.00. ... more...

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Get Free points mortgage home new Quotes and Estimates

Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Low Credit Score Mortgage Refinance 3 Reasons to Refinance Existing Mortgage
Before choosing to refinance a mortgage, each homeowner should take into account the pros and cons. As a result of declining interest rates, many people reason that nows the time to refinance. For many, this is a smart move. However, refinancing may not be wisest choice for others. ... more...

High Risk Mortgage Lenders - What Are Your Options?
High risk mortgage lenders, commonly referred to as sub-prime lenders, are lenders that specialize in offering mortgages to individuals with less than perfect credit. Because of record low interest rates, many people are choosing to purchase their first home or refinance their current mortgage in ... more...

Home Refinance: Why You Want to Refinance Your Mortgage
You may want to refinance your home for several reasons. The biggest reason that people refinance their homes is to save money.If you qualify for a lower rate you could lock in that lower mortgage rate and stretch out the payments so that every month you are paying less to live in your home than ... more...

Home Equity Loans in Texas
A few notes of importance: This only applies to a homestead property, that is the customers primary residence LTV refers to Loan to Value, meaning the loan amount as compared to the value of the home. As an example, a loan of $75,000 on a home valued at $100,000 would be a loan at 75% LTV. These ... more...

Understanding Mortgage Points
When a mortgage broker asks a borrower to pay points, he or she is asking for a lending fee expressed as a percentage of the value of the loan. For example, two points on a deal worth $100,000 works out to $2,000.Sometimes, a lender may require the borrower to pay "origination points" on a mortgage ... more...

Refinance Mortgage Brokers Online
Refinancing a home loan through an online mortgage broker has several rewards. Because of record low mortgage interest rates, homeowners are opting to refinance their current home loan with the intention of obtaining a lower rate, which in turn lowers mortgage payment. A reduction in mortgage ... more...

Low Mortgage Rates - Rates Today Are Still Low Enough To Consider
Who doesnt want low mortgage rates? A low mortgage rate means spending on monthly payments during the course of a mortgage. A low mortgage rate can save homebuyers like you several thousands of dollars. A low mortgage rate means having more funds to spend on investments that might prove profitable ... more...

Five Reasons to Repair Your Credit Score - You Can Do It Yourself
There are multiple reasons that tell us why we should have a 700+ Credit Score, but these five facts will definitely give you the big picture and hopefully will drive you to want to fix your credit score starting today.Fact #1: Did you know that consumers with Credit Scores of 700+ are likely to ... more...

New Home Loan - Understand The Various Types Of Mortgage Lenders
So, youve decided to buy a house, and youre ready for that all important next stepapplying for a mortgage loan. But where should you go? After all, the mortgage business is complex, and youve realized quickly that your choices for lenders are immense. Heres a quick guide to help you understand all ... more...

Mortgage Costs and Fees Defined
If you are getting ready to buy a new home or to refinance your present home, you can benefit considerably by educating yourself on the basic costs and terms connected with mortgage loans and payments. Knowing in advance about current interest rates, discount points, loan fees, principal, interest, ... more...

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