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Mortgage Professor about non conforming loan: 
What Do Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Do?
March 10, 2003 "What are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and what do they do?" Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are "government-sponsored enterprises" (GSEs). This means that they are privately owned, but receive support from the Federal Government, and assume some public ... more...

Fannie Mae Under the Gun
17 January 2005 The Accounting Scandal at Fannie Mae "The media has been full of stories recently about accounting scandals at Fannie Mae?Is this another Enron? What does it mean to John Q. Public?" It is an accounting scandal, and heads have rolled as a result, but it is not ... more...

non conforming loan related definitions

Non Conforming Loan
Non Conforming Loan A loan that does not meet the Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac underwriting guidelines. This is also known as a portfolio mortgage. The loan can't be sold on the secondary market so it must keep it and service it in its own portfolio. Non-conforming loans have ... more...

Conventional Loan
Conventional loan Conventional mortgage - a mortgage not insured by FHA or guaranteed by the VA. A convention loan may be conforming or non-conforming. ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

The Truth About Shopping for Mortgage Rates
With so much lender advertising focusing just on rates, you may not be aware of the importance in choosing an experienced, reliable loan professional who can match you with the appropriate loan program. Good loan officers and mortgage brokers may quote todays rate when asked, but they will quickly ... more...

Atlanta Mortgage Lenders
Atlanta mortgage lenders grant home mortgages to borrowers through the mediation of the Atlanta mortgage brokers. Some online lenders include Acworth, Adairsville, Albany, Alma, Augusta, Blackshear, Blue Ridge, Cartersville and more. Lenders are subjected to regulations to issue home loans at fair ... more...

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Mortgage Loans - Conforming Loans Provide Low Interest Rates
Conforming loans provide low interest rates since they are almost guaranteed to be purchased by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, which allows more funds to be available for borrowers. However, these corporations have terms, such as maximum loan, that limit how much you can borrow. If you dont meet their ... more...

Types of Loans
Loan Types What types of loans are available to me? There are many different types of mortgage offered to consumers. Some of the most popular mortgage broker are the FHA Home Loan (Federal Housing Administration) and the VA Loan . Because the FHA mortgage and VA mortgage are guaranteed by the ... more...

Capitalizing Small and Medium Businesses; A new idea
Here is an idea to capitalize small businesses using Financial Markets instead of SBA loans and Small Banks. There is a break down in the system. First the process is too bureaucratic since it is supervised by a government agency. Often taking 30 plus days with all the required paperwork. Typically ... more...

Use Homeowner Personal Loans to Finance Your Needs the Secured Way
Personal loans taken by homeowners need not necessarily be secured. It is true that more and more homeowners are lured into taking secured loans. Several advantages that only secured loans can let them enjoy are recounted by the loan providers. Nevertheless, homeowners now form an important ... more...

Loans Guide
Many people are confused by the different types of loans available.Here is a helpful summary of the most common loans available today.Bad Credit Personal LoanA Bad Credit Personal Loan is a loan designed for the many people with a bad credit rating. However created, your past record of County Court ... more...

What About a Bank Loan?
Though online loans have increased tremendously the recent years, you can still apply for a loan through a bank like Bank of America, Washington Mutual, Chase or another. Most of the nationwide banks have branches in most cities so if you choose to apply for a bank loan from one of these banks in ... more...

Bad Credit Loans and Lender Questions & Answers
Q: What is a private investor and how do they differ from a hard money lender or a subprime lender?A: A private investor is an individual who lends out their own funds to borrowers who are unable to obtain a loan from a traditional lender such as a bank. It is also possible for private investors to ... more...

Student Loan Consolidation What Are The Main Advantages?
Consolidating your student loan enables you not only to take advantage of lower rates, but you can also lock in that rate for the life of your loan. What benefits do you get from consolidating your student loan? Basically, the key benefits are one lower fixed rate; one low monthly payment and one ... more...

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