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Mortgage Professor about mortgage program: 
Is This Shared Appreciation Mortgage a Good Deal?
Column Delivered October 22, 2001 ?The city of Burbank has a Mortgage Assistance Program that offers home buyers a 30-year second mortgage loan, with zero interest and no payments for the first 5 years.  After 5 years, the second must ... more...

The CMG Plan: Your Mortgage as a Checking Account
1 August 2005 "Recently, I heard an ad on the radio about a new type of mortgage from CMG Financial that allows you to use the mortgage as if it was a checking account. According to them, this allows you to pay off your loan in about half the time. Would you give me ... more...

mortgage program related definitions

Section 8 Homeownership Program
Section 8 Homeownership Program - American Dream Commitment Fannie-Mae and Freddie-Mac expand their underwriting requirements necessary for Freddie Mac to purchase mortgages originated under the Section 8 Homeownership Program, and pledge funds in form of Section 8 vouchers, also ... more...

Section 8 Housing
Section 8 Housing The Section 8 program began during the Great Depression to increase the housing choices available to very low-income households by making privately-owned rental housing affordable to them. It provides rent subsidies, either rental certificates or vouchers, on ... more...

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FHA 101
What is FHAFHA or Federal Housing Administration is a branch of HUD or Housing and Urban Development that works through local mortgage lending agencies to give Federal mortgage and loan insurance for those who wish to own a home or do home improvement projects.It is a government-own corporation ... more...

Reverse Mortgage Offers Fresh Approach To Income From Real Estate
If you owe 40 percent or less of your original mortgage, there is a great program that is available to you that will generate extra monthly income. Its called a reverse mortgage. The reverse mortgage is similar to a home equity loan, only in the fact that it pays you the equity you have in your ... more...

Kings Bay Georgia Mortgage Information
When choosing the right mortgage company for your home purchase or refinancing, there are a few things to consider.What is this lenders reputation? Does this lender have a proven track record in the community and can they offer you not only the lowest interest rates available, but design a program ... more...

Use the FHA Mortgage Specifically Created for Home Improvement
Almost everyone knows about FHA mortgages. They are tailor-made for first time homebuyers and others with less than perfect credit or other financial issues. You don't have to be low income or have bad credit to use FHA, but generally the loan limits prohibit high priced homes.What you may not ... more...

How I Became a Real Estate Investor
Recently I closed on the sale of two homes. They were located about a mile apart and had comparable market values. However, beyond these two similarities, the two deals were very different from each other. Let me discuss in more detail the similarities and differences of the two deals.My business ... more...

Option ARM Mortgage Loan - Is This Really for You?
What happened to the days of a 15 or 30 year fixed rate mortgage loan? Ultimately this is the safest and most popular mortgage loan product in our industry, but new mortgage products are hitting the market, and we in the mortgage business are using them to our advantage; ever heard the radio ... more...

Stop Losing Thousands of Dollars Every Day: Six Tips For Creating Wealth
We all go to school for about twelve years, kindergarten through high school. Some of us go to college and then graduate school. Personally, I went to school for three years beyond college with law school and took financial courses after that was over. In all of that time, economics courses, ... more...

Easing Your Way Into Homeownership: A Guide To Low Down Payment Mortgage Programs
Theres no question about it: Buying a first home is a big financial commitment. In most cases, a home is the largest single purchase an individual or family will make in a lifetime. However, because of the tax advantages afforded to homeowners, buying a home also can be one of the best financial ... more...

Are Option Pay ARM's Risky?
The general consensus about the riskiness of Option Pay mortgage loans is that they are high risk; high risk to both the borrower and the lender. To add even more risk to the loans, consumers and loan officers not only have to understand initial and lifetime caps, various indicies and margins, but ... more...

Bad Credit? Qualify Yourself For A Zero Down Mortgage Loan
I decided to write this article today after closing a home purchase loan for a couple that had some major credit issues. They got into the house with ZERO down payment, and only had to bring $600 for the closing costs. Their situation was pretty bad, Im talking about a bankruptcy 2 years ago, ... more...

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