Avoiding Foreclosure Scams
If your mortgage company is threatening foreclosure, there are things you can do to avoid it (see my article titled How to Avoid Foreclosure). However, you should be aware of scams. If there are solutions to your problems that seem too good to be true, they probably are.For example, if you're ...
Buying a Home after Foreclosure - Ways to Get Approved
Before attempting to buy a home after foreclosure, it is important to educate yourself on the necessary steps, and improve your odds of getting approved. Certain situations are extremely damaging to your credit report. These include bankruptcy, foreclosure, repossession, etc. Fortunately, you can ...
Tips for Stopping Foreclosure
Foreclosure is a four-letter word to any homeowner. The thought of losing a home to foreclosure is scary, and any homeowner would do whatever possible to avoid this predicament.What is foreclosure, exactly? Legally, if homeowners continually miss mortgage payments, the lender can repossess the ...
Stop Foreclosure - 7 Tips to Save Your Home
Faced with the threat of a foreclosure on their home, with all the weight of the mortgage industry and its army of attorneys against them, the average homeowner might feel like David facing Goliath.But David defeated Goliath !David had a sling and some pebbles.You have an armory of tactics and ...
Decision With A Mortgage Calculator: When To Foreclose?
One of the best places, you hope, to sink your capital for a good return is in real estate. However, when you provide the financing for someone to purchase their own home, your capital is tied to their ability to pay back the loan. If they start to miss payments, then you need to start considering ...
Foreclosure under a mortgage requires a court ordered sale conducted by the sheriff or other court-appointed official. Foreclosure process is called judicial foreclosure. In the event of default, the mortgage accelerates the due date of the dead to the present and notifies the defaulted debtor to ...
Buy a House after Foreclosure - How to Get Approved
Purchasing a new home after a recent or past foreclosure is easier than
you may think. Some previous homeowners are hesitant to apply for a
mortgage. Considering their history, many assume that mortgage lenders
will immediately deny their loan request. On the contrary, numerous
lenders ...
Are You A Victim Of A Predatory Mortgage Foreclosure?
Help is available to borrowers who have claims against their lenders for violating the Truth in Lending Act and other laws regulating credit transactions. Such violations may be a defense to a mortgage foreclosure. If there is a violation, you may be able to void the mortgage and apply 100% of your ...
Buying a Home With Bad Credit - Get Approved With a Recent Bankruptcy or Foreclosure
A few years ago, if you had a bankruptcy or a foreclosure on your credit report, you could forget about trying to get a mortgage loan. If you were lucky enough to find someone who would finance you, your interest rate would be through the roof and plan on putting 10-20% down.But today, this is not ...
Mortgage Elimination- A Horrible and Sure Way to Lose Your Home to Foreclosure
Own your home free and clear in 3 to 4 months. Note paid in full!How does this statement sound to you? Does it bring out a sentiment of grand larceny or does it peek your interest as a means to quickly and legally increase your personal net worth? Would it be moral to cancel a debt you made in ...