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Mortgage Professor about mortgage debt consolidation: 
Consolidating Debt With a New Purchase Mortgage
November 22, 2004 Some home buyers try to kill two birds with one stone by consolidating their debts in the new purchase mortgage. Usually this is not a good idea, as in the case illustrated below. "I have $30,000 in cash for a down payment on the $300,000 house ... more...

Pros and Cons of Debt Consolidation
May 6, 2002 "I have two mortgages plus a lot of short-term debt with high interest rates. Because my house has appreciated substantially in recent years, I?m sure I can save money by consolidating the short-term debt into one of my mortgages, but which one?" I ... more...

mortgage debt consolidation related definitions

Cash-Flow The amount of cash derived over a certain period of time from an income-producing property. The cash flow should be large enough to pay the expenses of the income producing property (mortgage payment, maintenance, ... more...

Buy-Down When the lender and/or the home builder subsidized the mortgage by lowering the interest rate during the first few years of the loan. While the payments are initially low, they will increase when the subsidy expires. ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

The Pro's and Con's of Debt Consolidation Loans
You are swimming in debt. You have 4 credit cards maxed out, a car loan, a consumer loan, and a house payment. Simply making the minimum payments is causing your distress and certainly not getting you out of debt. What should you do?Some people feel that debt consolidation loans are the best option ... more...

Debt Elimination & Debt Consolidation Can Work Together
Debt elimination has always been my goal. But on this day, when I received the bill for the sudden replacement of the clutch in my car, the VISA bill and word that my daughter needed orthodontics for her teeth, how was I ever going to realize my debt elimination goals?Does that sound familiar? Its ... more...

Refinance Your Home to Payoff Debt: Pros & Cons
If you own a home, you may apply for a refinance debt consolidation loan or I call it the (RDC Loan). This type of loan will allow you to have only one payment every month. This should give you a little relief and free up some cash for you. You may also be more attentive in paying your refinance ... more...

Debt Relief From Debt Consolidation
If you are up to your neck in debt, there may seem like there is no relief in sight. In fact this is not necessarily the truth. There are ways to take all of your stifling bills and roll them up into one neat package by using debt consolidation in two very popular forms Home Equity Loans, ... more...

Dangerous Debt Consolidation Loans
On the surface, debt consolidation loans offer cash-strapped consumers some relief from high interest rates. Looking deeper, consumers should be wary of both the pros and cons of this fast growing practice. In their simplest forms, debt consolidation loans are refinance agreements, second ... more...

Lower Bills with Debt Consolidation - Refinancing vs Home Equity Loan
Consolidating your debt can help you lower your monthly bills and interest rates. While refinancing and home equity loans can both help you pay off accounts, they have their own benefits. The best choice depends on your current mortgage terms and future financial goals.The Goal Of Debt ... more...

What's The Truth Behind Your Finances?
Between 15 - 20% of people in our country (UK) own there own businesses. This statistic is on the rise thanks to the incredible invention of the Internet. The staggering truth is that of these only 5% are genuinely financially free! You may well see lots of expensive cars driving on our roads and ... more...

Credit Card Debt Help - 3 Tips to Reducing Debt
While getting out of debt may seem impossible, there are numerous solutions available that will help consumers become debt free. Individuals who have acquired an enormous amount of debt may consider bankruptcy as their only alternative. However, this maneuver to alleviate debt is extremely damaging ... more...

Debt Consolidation Mortgage Loan - Pros and Cons
Debt consolidation mortgage loans can help you lower your interest rates and monthly payments. With reduced rates, you can also pay off your debt sooner. However, reducing your equity could subject you to private mortgage rates. You may also end up spending more on interest payments by delaying ... more...

Debt Consolidation and Debt Management For Maximum Relief: Part 2
In Part 1, we discussed how debt management helps you learn how to get a handle on your finances. However, using debt consolidation and management together will provide you maximum financial results.Once you have developed good skills for managing your debt, you need to learn some ways to reduce ... more...

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