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Mortgage Professor about massachusetts first time home buyer: 
Are Mortgage Assumptions a Good Deal?
November 17, 2003, Revised December 20, 2005 ?I have been offered a deal where I take over the home seller?s mortgage. What are the pros and cons of doing this??  Benefit of Mortgage Assumptions to Buyers When a homebuyer assumes responsibility for a home seller?s ... more...

Second Mortgage Versus Home Equity Loan
June 9, 2003, revised August 30, 2003 "What are the differences between a second mortgage and a home equity loan?" The terminology is confusing. A second mortgage is any loan that involves a second lien on the property. Some second mortgages are for a fixed dollar ... more...

massachusetts first time home buyer related definitions

FHA Mortgage Insurance
FHA Mortgage Insurance It is insurance from FHA to the lender against incurring a loss on account of the borrower's default. Paid if FHA loan LTV is higher than 80%. Also known as MIP - Mortage Insurance Premium. By insuring the loan the Federal Government agrees to repay ... more...

MIP, Mortgage Insurance Premium
MIP, Mortgage Insurance Premium It is insurance from FHA to the lender against incurring a loss on account of the borrower's default. Paid if FHA loan LTV is higher than 80%. Also known as FHA Mortgage Insurance. By insuring the loan the Federal Government agrees to repay ... more...

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Get Free massachusetts first time home buyer Quotes and Estimates

Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

How To Create A Business Note That Is More Attractive To A Note Investor
You are selling your small business (business value under $1 million for this article). You would like the buyer of your business to come in with an all-cash offer, or be able to qualify for an SBA guaranteed loan. However, in many cases the owner of the business ends up taking back the ... more...

Home Business Success In 21 Steps
Over one hundred million home-based businesses will be in operation by 2006, according to Link Resource's National Work-at Home Survey. All around the country, people who want more control over their lives are starting home businesses.In New Orleans, Rick Hart's home based cajun Cargo ships ... more...

ReaL Estate Basics part 2
10. Qualifying buyers and getting to their motivationThis is a broad issue, but Im going to give you some tips and ideas in qualifying buyers. First off if you are dealing with a buyer(s) and you will showing them homes that day, whenever possible have them come into the office at least an hour to ... more...

A Home Equity Loan - What You Should Know?
Asking yourself, Is a home equity loan right for me? is the first and most important step to take.Home equity loans have become so popular today because of increasing home values. A home owner can access money for consolidating debt, home improvements, a new car, education or starting a new ... more...

How To Beat The Home-Based Burnout Blues
I went to visit a friend who had quit the corporate world to start his own art-based business. This was a guy who wore, if not a suit, at least a tie and jacket to work every day for a decade. All the curtains in his house were drawn and his bed was littered with color samples, catalogs and all ... more...

Real Estate Problem Solver
IntroductionThere are many areas one can invest in. Since I was 15 years old I have looked for the fastest, most effective way to accumulate a lot of wealth, with the least amount of risk. I am now 58. While looking for this road to truth, I spent a lot of time in the school of hard knocks. The ... more...

Home Loans - Online Services And Resources To Help You
Interest rates on home loans are at the lowest theyve been in many years. Now is a great time to take advantage of home loan financial services and resources available online. With a little education online you can get some of the best loans available on the Internet. It is well worth the time and ... more...

Will You Live Long Enough To Pay Off A 40-Year Mortgage
Owning home during the last three years has been like fall into a gold mine. Values have just gone up, up and away.If you are a homeowner you just can't stop smiling. The size of your home's equity may be matched only by the latest Power Ball total. But what about the first time home buyer or ... more...

Easing Your Way Into Homeownership: A Guide To Low Down Payment Mortgage Programs
Theres no question about it: Buying a first home is a big financial commitment. In most cases, a home is the largest single purchase an individual or family will make in a lifetime. However, because of the tax advantages afforded to homeowners, buying a home also can be one of the best financial ... more...

Home Buying Process: 15 Tips for First Time Home Buyers
As a first time home buyer, you probably need all the advice you can get. That's why I've collected what I feel are the top 15 pieces of advice for first time buyers. These tips will help make your home buying process a smooth one!1. Get a copy of your credit report. Obtain a copy of your credit ... more...

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