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Mortgage Professor about land contract sample form: 
How Do You Correct Mistakes in Your Credit Report?
August 6 , 2003 The credit reporting system is imperfect. Sometimes erroneous information is  inserted in a file that adversely affects the consumer?s credit score. If this has  happened to you, use the form below to contact the credit reporting agency  that has reported the ... more...

Credit Reports and Credit Scores
November 24, 2004 What Is a Credit Report? A credit report is a report from a credit bureau containing detailed information bearing on credit-worthiness, including the individual's credit history. A typical credit report includes the following: Personal information. ... more...

land contract sample form related definitions

Verification of Employment, VOE
Verification of Employment, VOE A document requested by a lender and signed by a borrower's employer as indicated by the borrower, verifying his/her position and salary. The applicant must sign this form (Form 1005) to authorize his or her employer to release the ... more...

Land Contract
Land Contract A contract selling arrangement whereby the buyer may use and occupy land, but no deed is given by seller until the sales price has been paid. Also commonly called a conditional sales contract, installment sales contract or real property sales contract, used ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Purchasing Land: What To Look For
It doesn't take long to realize that finding the right piece of property is the most important aspect of new home construction. In a development, restrictions and easements have already been sorted out, but if you are looking for a stand-alone piece of vacant land, you're on your own. Here are ... more...

Home Mortgage Refinancing Whats in Your Contract?
Are you one of the millions of Americans who will be refinancing their home mortgage loan this year? When you sign your contract and the other papers for your refinance, will you know what your signing?Your Contract: This one is simple, but I would guess very few people do it. READ THE ENTIRE ... more...

Top Tips from Real Estate Author Mark Nash for Negotiating a Home Purchase Contract
These tips are excerpted from my fourth real estate book: "1001 Tips for Buying and Selling a Home" by Mark Nash. ISBN: 0324232896 Thomson/South-Western 2004.464 unless you are in a "hot" market area, do not feel pressured to write a purchase agreement after a showing. -If you need some time, use ... more...

How Commodity Trading Differs from Stock Trading
There are major differences between trading stocks and trading futures. While stories of fortunes made or lost overnight on the futures markets are largely untrue, the futures trader, if using a sound trading system, can usually make more money on the futures market and make it much faster. ... more...

Build Your Own Dream House!
So you're thinking about building your own house, are you? Well, you've come to the right place! It's a lot of fun (hard work and eventually fun!) to build your own home and it will save you thousands of dollars(we saved over a Hundred Grand by doing it ourselves - that's pretty significant cash!). ... more...

Glossary of Common Terms Used During the Mortgage Process
APR - This stands for Annual Percentage Rate. It enables you to compare the full cost of the mortgage. Rather than just being an interest rate, it includes up front and ongoing costs of taking out a mortgage. The formula for calculating APR is set by Government Regulations and therefore enables ... more...

Know When To Get An Agreement In Writing
Although most people believe that it is always necessary to get any agreement in writing, there are cases where a verbal agreement is legal and valid. However, since there are just as many instances where a written agreement is necessary or, at the very least helpful, it is a good idea to know ... more...

Learn the Abbreviated Language of Realty Agents
Sunday mornings with the newspaper real estate section can be daunting to home buyers and sellers. Figuring out the shorthand for popular home features takes an inquiring mind. Mark Nash, author of 1001 Tips for Buying and Selling a Home takes the guess work out of listing sheets and classified ... more...

All About Student Loans
A student loan is an unsecured loan made by lenders that receive government underwriting assistance. Without this government assistance, student loans would not be very practical. Lenders would find other more profitable arenas in which to loan their money. Nobody would be able to get a low ... more...

The Gaian Paradigm Part 2
Part 2 The Implication of the Gaian Paradigm to Social InstitutionsThe new Paradigm is a scientific hypothesis which explains many phenomena in cosmic evolution. But it is more than that. It suggest a new worldview or mindset by which humans can examine current phenomena with respect to their ... more...

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