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Pros and Cons of Paying Cash for a House
April 22, 2002 "We are turning 50 and soon will be selling our house to buy another. We have no savings aside from the equity in our current house, which is approximately $180,000. We plan to work for another 15 years, during which time we will have available about $1500 a ... more...

Is Unused Home Equity a "Missed Fortune"?
18 July 2005 "I don?t understand why a Wharton professor would not recognize that unused home equity is a missed opportunity? Isn?t home equity safer in a conservative side fund than buried in the house earning a 0 percent return?" The New and Old Wisdoms of ... more...

investments related definitions

Index A published interest rate against which lenders measure the difference between the current interest rate on an adjustable rate mortgage and that earned by other investments (such as one- three-, and five-year U.S. Treasury security yields, the monthly average interest rate ... more...

Real Estate Investment Trust
Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) A trust that uses investors money to purchase and manage real estate. A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is a company that invests its assets in real estate holdings. REIT investments may be excellent inflation hedge. REIT's ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

What Makes You Eligible for Venture Capital?
A budding company or one facing major financial crisis can find solution to all its financial hurdles with Venture Capital. Unlike banks, Venture Capital firms are an important source of long-term growth capital.Venture capital firms and individuals are interested in many of the same factors that ... more...

Real Estate Investing Financing Truths - Part 2
No Money Down and other 'Creative' Real Estate Investment MethodsFor many years, investors have seen the traditional real estate investment methods described in Part 1 of this article as a lot less than desirable!They began looking at the prices of houses and finding methods of bringing the ... more...

Ifs and VATs of Taxation in Macedonia - Should VAT be Applied in Macedonia?
To be justified, taxes should satisfy a few conditions:Above all, they should encourage economic activity by providing incentives to save and to invest. Savings - transformed into investments- enhance productivity and growth of the economy as a whole.A tax should be simple - to administer and to ... more...

Seniors Can Use a Reverse Mortgage to Fund Annuities, Investments, and Insurance Policies
For many seniors in or entering retirement, the prospect of purchasing long-term care, investments or annuities can be cut short by a lack of retirement income. Statistics show that 3 out 4 seniors will have to lower their current standard of living during retirement. Social Security, IRA's, 401k's ... more...

How Corporations Can Use Real Estate To Access Untapped Capital
Most corporations of any size and scale have large investments in the land and facilities necessary for the successful operation of their business. While making corporate investments into real estate assets may seem to be a reasonable strategy at first glance, they are rarely investment or capital ... more...

Saving Money By Spending Wisely
Why is it that the older and richer people become, the more conservative they are with their money? Have you ever done or know someone who has made an investment that promised a 10% interest or profit per month? Everyone wants to make above average profits. It is amazing how many people will send ... more...

Before You Start Investing
There maybe several reasons why you to want to invest your money. You may want to retire early, want to build your own business in the future, or to pay for your kids education. Should everyone start investing outside their retirement accounts right away? The answer to this question is that it ... more...

Real Estate: A Strong Investment
Description: Even in uncertain economic times like these, history shows that real estate is one of the soundest investments a family can make. Also remember that the stock market is not the only place where people can make their fortunes. And also, youll hardly ever hear of real-estate investors ... more...

Stock Loans
Hedge current portfolio positions and gain access to capital resources through loans against free trading, aged affiliate or aged non-affiliate securities. Make proper use of your assets while waiting for performance and hedge your position should the asset move against you.Whether you need to ... more...

Finance Your Real Estate Investment Properties
Unlike traditional residential real estate mortgages, real estate investment financing is way more creative and offers more options than you think. The golden rule in real estate investment is OPM (Other Peoples Money).I have enough money; shouldnt I buy my real estate investment for cash? No, I ... more...

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