Capitalizing Small and Medium Businesses; A new idea
Here is an idea to capitalize small businesses using Financial Markets instead of SBA loans and Small Banks. There is a break down in the system. First the process is too bureaucratic since it is supervised by a government agency. Often taking 30 plus days with all the required paperwork. Typically ...
Run a Productive Business From Your Car-Office
The way we do business has changed dramatically over the past 10 years. More products and services are now being offered outside traditional premises. You no longer have to go to a bank to complete your transactions or home loan applications. Insurance brokers visit your home or office; retailers ...
Building Wealth When Refinancing Your Home Loan
Many a homeowner has seriously contemplated getting a cash-out refinance loan with the hopes of landing a lower rate, saving up to $300 smacks a month and getting some cash in hand to spend as ones pleases. Who wouldn't want to lower their current home mortgage rate, save on monthly interest rate ...
Donald Trump on Real Estate
I love what Trump says about the business of real estate.I am a big believer in setting up business systems for all
my clients. So it is cool to hear from a master like Trump
about the importance of systems!Sincerely,
Tom KishTHE REAL ESTATE BUBBLE OF 2005?'What Donald Trump has to say about the ...
Creating a Financial Future - Putting Your Plan Into Action Part 1
This column has previously discussed picturing the future that we desire, and outlining a plan to achieve it. We mentioned that the plan must include goal-setting, measurement, and implementation. That implementation is this columns focus.Putting the plan into action is what implementation is all ...
From Debt to Financial Freedom
The vast majority of working people are in debt. The vast majority of people who are now in debt are always struggling to find better jobs with higher pay checks. As strange as it may sound the more you think about it the more you will come to realise that the more money people make the deeper they ...
How To Raise Money For Starting A Business
The task of raising money for a business is not as difficult as most people seem to think. This is especially true when you have an idea that can make you and your backers rich. Actually, there's more money available for new business ventures than there are good business ideas.A very important rule ...
How To Raise Money to Start Business and Where to Get Money for Business
The common questions for anyone who want to start business are: How to raise money to start business, and where to get money for my business?
To raise money to start business is not as difficult as most people seem to think. This is especially true when you have an idea that can make you and ...
Mortgage Terms Explained
When you are hunting for a mortgage, you will find that there are many different types of mortgages available. I will list some of the more common ones and their uses.15 vs 30 YearsYour mortgage term can be just about anything you choose. 15 and 30 year terms are popular these days, although 10 ...
MLM Survival Guide-Tips, Tricks & Traps Revealed
The purpose of this guide is to provide a step-by-step procedure for starting, operating and optimizing a MLM based business, and to do this without making serous mistakes along the way. There are volumes of books on this subject, so this guide will not attempt to "rehash" the "rose colored" views ...