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Mortgage Professor about home plumbing: 
Which Reverse Mortgage Plan Do I Choose?
April 8, 2003 ?I am 79.  The counselor I saw in connection with my reverse mortgage told me that Fannie Mae?s Home Keeper product would provide me with more money than FHA?s Home Equity Conversion Mortgage, but that Home Keeper would cost me more.  The decision was mine ... more...

Is FHA Responsible For the Leaky Roof?
March 19, 2001 "We just purchased a home with an FHA loan and the seller did not disclose many problems?The roof leaks, the toilet is falling through the floor?FHA inspected the house before we moved in, and they will get the house if we default and move out? We thought ... more...

home plumbing related definitions

Second Home, Vacation Home
Second Home Second home is a seasonally occupied property that is not the primary residence of the owner. Such residences are usually found in areas with substantial opportunities for recreation or tourist activity. Second Home As Investment However, when market is ... more...

Vacation Home
Vacation Home Vacation home is a seasonally occupied property that is not the primary residence of the owner. Such residences are usually found in areas with substantial opportunities for recreation or tourist activity. Vacation Home As Investment When market is ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

A Few Basic Tips for First Time Home Buyers
The first time you purchase a home is an exciting experience. You are anxious to call the place yours and maybe a little worried about how the whole thing will play out. Knowing a few basic tips for home buying is important and will help eliminate your fears altogether.Here are some to consider ... more...

Old House? New House? Weighing Your Options
Maybe it has something to do with a childhood home we fondly remember. Many of us long for old homes built with solid construction, quality craftsmanship and beautiful details. We wax poetic and wistfully recall the hand carvings, plaster walls and eyebrow dormers of homes weve known. On the other ... more...

How To Increase Your Home's Selling Price by $3,306.75 In The Next 33 Days
According to the Federal Housing Finance Board:... As of October 2004, The U.S. national average purchase price for a single-family home reached $264,540. If your house is worth at least the U.S. average and you can add an additional 1.25% in value to your home's selling price, you'd pocket an ... more...

Investment Properties In Atlanta Georgia
Is the amount you would have to charge in rent comparable to similar rentals in the same area? Be alert, and notice what people are asking for. You might have to make some phone calls to get an idea.You will also need to determine the length of the lease. Usually leases come in increments of six ... more...

Buying an Unfinished Home Maybe Your Answer
For the first time want-to-be homeowner, purchasing an unfinished new home maybe just the answer. With mortgage interest rates still at record lows, there has not been a better time to purchase a home in decades. However, home prices have dramatically risen over the past several years, and even ... more...

Mobile Home Rentals - A Great Investment
Why mobile home rentals? Get past the prejudice and look at the numbers. In our town, for example, a two bedroom house costs $130,000 and rents for $800/month. A $50,000 mobile home on real estate gets $500/month. Cash-on-cash return on investment is obviously higher with mobile homes.Don't let the ... more...

Saving Money - The Magic 20 Percent
Saving money is not easy and is made more difficult if you have a short-term outlook regarding your personal finances. If, like many people, you are living from one pay cheque to the next, it is difficult to put some money aside for a rainy day or for a summer holiday. But what if you were to ... more...

10 Reasons A Home Buyer Will Never Buy Your House
If you're getting your house ready to put it on the market, keep in mind that buyers are looking for their dream home. Your job is to make them believe that your home is their dream. In order to sell them the dream, though, you'll need to avoid the ten things that will completely kill the illusion ... more...

Buying and Selling Distressed Houses for Maximum Profit (Update)
If you want to become a real estate investor, find a "fixer-upper" owned by an anxious seller. Finding distressed houses at bargain prices, fixing them up, and then selling them on a consistent basis can make you a multi-millionaire.Why Sellers Sell At a DiscountHome owners' problems often prevent ... more...

Save Yourself from Homebuying Disasters
Whether you are a first time home buyer or a happy home owner who wants to refinance an existing home loan, there are some cardinal dos and donts to follow. For many, home ownership is the biggest investment in their lives and that could be the reason why some people act irrationally, as if they ... more...

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