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Mortgage Professor about home ownership: 
Why Is the Loan Rejection Rate Rising?
March 20, 2000 "I have read that in recent years loan rejection rates have increased, especially among lower-income people and minorities?Why do they continue to get the short end of the stick?" You are ... more...

Questions About Title Insurance
December 16, 2002 "What is title insurance?"   Title insurance is protection against loss arising from problems connected to the title to your property.   Before you purchased your home, it may have gone through several ownership changes, and ... more...

home ownership related definitions

Reverse Mortgage
Reverse Mortgage, Reverse Annuity Mortgage, RAM A form of mortgage in which the lender makes periodic payments to the borrower using the borrower's equity in the home. A mortgage used by the elderly that provides income as a way of converting their home equity into a ... more...

Homestead Exemption
Homestead Exemption Status provided to a homeowner's principal residence - the dwelling (house and contiguous land) of the head of a family -in some states that protects the home against judgements up to specified amounts. Some states grant statutory exemptions, protecting ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Glossary of Common Terms Used During the Mortgage Process
APR - This stands for Annual Percentage Rate. It enables you to compare the full cost of the mortgage. Rather than just being an interest rate, it includes up front and ongoing costs of taking out a mortgage. The formula for calculating APR is set by Government Regulations and therefore enables ... more...

Business Ownership, Cash in Your Pocket - Today!
Yesterday we learned that 74% of all wealth is created by people who own their own business. Below are a few facts about owning your own business, specifically a home-based business that you may not be aware of.Fact: The fastest growing segment is home-based businesses.Fact: A new home-based ... more...

Real Estate Investing and Home Ownership
If you already own your home, you will probably make money in real estate without ever buying another property.The home you are currently buying with a mortgage is probably one of the most valuable appreciating assets you will ever own.You are making money by living in your own home, even if you ... more...

Home Improvement Loans
You have achived your home ownership dream and you are finding the mortage payments very manageable. Life is good. Except you could do with more room.Your young family has grown and need a rumpus room. Your older children are just too happy under your roof. Your new hobby is taking up more room ... more...

Home Loans and Mortgages The Myth of Tax Deductible Interest
Home ownership has risen sharply in recent years, and the percentage of Americans who own their own homes is approaching a record seventy percent. Thats a good thing; wed all rather live in our own home than consider the alternatives. The most common method of purchasing a home is by taking out a ... more...

Mortgage Help Get Qualified
Budgeting is an important aspect of home ownership. How do you know exactly how much house you can afford? Here is how to evaluate your income to be sure you qualify.Many financial advisors will tell you that your debt-to-income ratio should be less than 36% of your income. How do you calculate ... more...

Mortgages For Dummies: Mortgage Term Length
Mortgages are the most intimidating aspect of home ownership. Choosing the wrong mortgage can cost you thousands of dollars and possibly one day, your home. You need to do your homework before shopping for a mortgage loan.Term length is an important aspect of your mortgage. The term will ... more...

When to Refinance Your Mortgage
Mortgages are easily the most intimidating aspect of home ownership. Understanding how the mortgage industry works and when to refinance your mortgage can be a difficult task. A free mortgage guide can help you decipher mortgages and answer the question when you should refinance. Mortgage ... more...

Online Mortgages in 5 Easy Steps!
We're all entitled to the opportunities and benefits of home ownership. But because most of us aren't loaded with cash, we must find banks and lenders to assist us with finance. No matter what your credit history is, or what your circumstances are, the internet has now made this process a billion ... more...

Real Estate Lease Option Danger
Why are real estate investors having so much success offering "rent to own" homes?Lease-options offer home ownership opportunities to folks with little cash and not so hot credit.Oh boy, there are plenty of those around.Both parties in a lease-option deal are counting on the buyer being able to ... more...

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