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Second Mortgage Versus Home Equity Loan
June 9, 2003, revised August 30, 2003 "What are the differences between a second mortgage and a home equity loan?" The terminology is confusing. A second mortgage is any loan that involves a second lien on the property. Some second mortgages are for a fixed dollar ... more...

Upfront Mortgage Brokers Listed by State
IMPORTANT NOTICE:  BEFORE CONTACTING BROKERS LISTED BELOW, READ  "HOW TO DEAL WITH A UMB" Upfront Mortgage Brokers as of December 10, 2005  Arizona Resident Brokers Keith Carothers, AZ Mortgage Dr. Fee: Negotiated on a case-by-case basis www.azmortgagedr ... more...

home mortgage related definitions

Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan
Second Mortgage, Home Equity Loan A secured loan (mortgage) that is subordinate to another loan against the same property. More specifically, the second loan in sequence. Generally, second mortgage hass a higher interest rate and with shorter terms than a ... more...

Reverse Mortgage
Reverse Mortgage, Reverse Annuity Mortgage, RAM A form of mortgage in which the lender makes periodic payments to the borrower using the borrower's equity in the home. A mortgage used by the elderly that provides income as a way of converting their home equity into a ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Tips For Getting A Low Downpayment
There's also a lot of personal satisfaction in living in a home that you own. Real estate is still considered a valued investment which can have many financial advantages and tax benefits. The amount of interest you pay on a home loan and the real estate taxes you pay on your home are among the few ... more...

Discover the Best Home Mortgage Rates
There are many people out there today that are looking to buy either their first home or their dream home. But in order for most people to do this, they need to get a home mortgage (also known as a home loan). There are many places to go in order to get a home mortgage. But before purchasing a ... more...

Reverse Mortgages a Reversal of the Mortgage Process
Mortgages have assumed a number of characters from the time of their inception. The traditional mortgages used to be of the repayment type. Every month the mortgagor used to pay a certain amount towards both principal and interest. Sensing the hardships that people have to face in making these ... more...

What the Bank Won't Tell You About Your Home Mortgage Quote
Shopping for a house is probably the most significant financial decision that you will make in your life. When you shop for your home by first attaining a home mortgage quote, your decision becomes even more momentousyou need to perform a balancing act between the house of your dreams and factors ... more...

Ask the Expert: When Do I Refinance My Home?
Home refinancing is a wonderful financial tool for homeowners to use for debt management to investments. If the home refinance is used correctly, wisely, and at the right time, the benefits from the refinance can improve the financial picture of the homeowner. There is no cookie cutter approach ... more...

Reverse Mortgage Putting Your Equity to Work
If you're like many seniors, your home is your largest asset, and although you are concerned about the thought of borrowing against it, your house may be the only way to increase your income.Rising real-estate prices have caused many seniors' homes to significantly increase in value. But unless ... more...

Home Loans
Buying a home remains the great American dream. Home ownership rates have been exploding in recent years, spurred on by the historically low interest rates in the home mortgage market. Home prices have been rising at far faster than inflation, especially in major urban areas such as San Francisco, ... more...

Poor Credit Home Mortgage Loans - The Role of the FICO Score
If you have bad credit history and are looking to get a home mortgage loan, then chances are you are going to need to know all about how the FICO credit scoring system works.FICO Fair ISAAC & Company is the leading credit reporting agency that lenders turn to when it comes time to credit scoring ... more...

11 Steps Away From Buying a Home
There is no doubt that the market for houses has been on fire recently. More and more people are taking advantage of low interest rates and easy mortgage loan terms to go from being renters to being home owners. With so many people entering the market, it is inevitable that questions will arise ... more...

Buying a Home with Bad Credit Own a Piece of the American Dream
Owning a home is the ultimate American dream. It is also the best way to build wealth for yourself and for future generations. Having bad credit should not prevent you from owning a piece of the American dream.If you have poor credit - you are not alone. It is estimated that approximately 30 ... more...

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