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Mortgage Professor about home maintenance: 
Can Rental Income Help You Qualify For a Mortgage?
February 28, 2000 "I am looking to buy a property that I will occupy part of the year. The rest of the time it will be rented out for a guaranteed amount. Will the lender include the rental income in qualifying me for a loan?" Yes, the lender will include some of ... more...

Which Reverse Mortgage Option Do I Choose?
October 20, 2003 "I am 75 and plan to take out a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage. My problem is that I keep vacillating between the different options. One day I think I want the credit line and the next day I think I want something else. Can you help?" I can?t give you any specific ... more...

home maintenance related definitions

Appraisal An estimate of the value of property, made by a qualified professional called an "appraiser". Before a lender will lend you the money for a home, they will first require an appraisal to be done by a qualified licensed appraiser ... more...

Section 8 Housing
Section 8 Housing The Section 8 program began during the Great Depression to increase the housing choices available to very low-income households by making privately-owned rental housing affordable to them. It provides rent subsidies, either rental certificates or vouchers, on ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Reverse Mortgages Learn The Facts First!
Reverse Mortgages, Most Common Features:Many offer special appeal to older adults because the loan advances, which are not taxable, generally do not affect Social Security or Medicare benefits.Depending on the plan, reverse mortgages generally allow homeowners to retain title to their homes until ... more...

Buying and Selling Distressed Houses for Maximum Profit (Update)
If you want to become a real estate investor, find a "fixer-upper" owned by an anxious seller. Finding distressed houses at bargain prices, fixing them up, and then selling them on a consistent basis can make you a multi-millionaire.Why Sellers Sell At a DiscountHome owners' problems often prevent ... more...

The Debt Free Lifestyle
Many people have been taught that you cannot get ahead without debt. We are also inundated with advertising telling us we can have anything we want. All we need to do is put it on our credit card.We have become an impatient society, we want it right now. We have lost the ethic of working for ... more...

Honey I Cant Afford The Kids
Sex has a lot to answer for babies usually which then with time and much financial investment grow up to be beautiful mutations of their parents. Yet as the family absorbs more money as it grows, the need for financial planning and protection becomes more important. So, where do you start and ... more...

Real Estate Investing: America Rents
Most people in America rent a personal dwelling!Just think how many families rent a house or an apartment, a duplex or a condo.Yet, nobody prefers renting.Who wouldn't want their own home, if they had the choice.Even if, say, someone moves into town on a temporary basis, wouldn't they prefer buying ... more...

10 Things to Look for in a Home-Equity Line of Credit
If you are a homeowner, you've probably received offers to apply for a home equity line of credit (HELOC). Handled with care, home equity credit lines can be an excellent way to improve financial flexibility, provide readily available cash reserves for emergencies, or pay for large expenses (like ... more...

Sellers, Are You Having A Hard Time Selling Your Home?
Sue and Chuck DeFiore have the perfect solution for you Lease Purchasing your home!What is Lease Purchasing?A Lease Purchase is a process that combines a basic rental lease with an agreement to purchase, or with an option to purchase the property. The Buyer (or Lease-Purchaser) pays to the seller ... more...

Reverse Mortgages: When Is One Right For You?
How do you know if a reverse mortgage is right for you? The answer depends on your current financial situation of course.But other factors such as your medical condition and lifestyle are important in determining whether or not a reverse mortgage is your best choice compared to a home equity loan, ... more...

Beware The Isms
A home business can serve any purpose you want: provide pocket money, pay the car loan or even the mortgage, produce funds for the kids' college education. Properly cared for and nurtured, it will serve its chosen purpose well.Even a robust, vigorous home business may become UNhealthy. There are ... more...

Renting a House
Renting a house or a room in your home is a great business that millions of people take advantage of to make some extra cash. While many people rent houses each year, not all of them are successful. Renting a house can be profitable and rewarding if you manage it properly.Benefits of Renting a ... more...

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