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Mortgage Professor about home inspector: 
Is FHA Responsible For the Leaky Roof?
March 19, 2001 "We just purchased a home with an FHA loan and the seller did not disclose many problems?The roof leaks, the toilet is falling through the floor?FHA inspected the house before we moved in, and they will get the house if we default and move out? We thought ... more...

Which Reverse Mortgage Plan Do I Choose?
April 8, 2003 ?I am 79.  The counselor I saw in connection with my reverse mortgage told me that Fannie Mae?s Home Keeper product would provide me with more money than FHA?s Home Equity Conversion Mortgage, but that Home Keeper would cost me more.  The decision was mine ... more...

home inspector related definitions

Second Home, Vacation Home
Second Home Second home is a seasonally occupied property that is not the primary residence of the owner. Such residences are usually found in areas with substantial opportunities for recreation or tourist activity. Second Home As Investment However, when market is ... more...

Vacation Home
Vacation Home Vacation home is a seasonally occupied property that is not the primary residence of the owner. Such residences are usually found in areas with substantial opportunities for recreation or tourist activity. Vacation Home As Investment When market is ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Home Loans Would You Buy a Home Without an Inspection?
The housing market has exploded, with home prices rising beyond all reason in some markets. Home prices have doubled or tripled during the last five years, and in some cities, the asking prices for homes are considered only to be suggested opening bids. Homes often sell in a few days or even ... more...

A Log Home Story
Solving problems while maximizing valuesThis story has a few good lessons and observations that no doubt can be used by you to take advantage of hidden opportunities that often lie in plain view for all to see, however, most people have not been trained or instructed on how to recognize or find ... more...

The Ultimate Short Sale Secret
Buying foreclosures can be extremely profitable for real estate investors. However, most of these homeowners are mortgaged to the hilt. They have no equity, and big loan payments. In fact, many actually owe more than the property is worth!Most investors will walk away from these deals because ... more...

Building a Home Addition
Besides providing your home with more living space, a home addition can be a terrific investment. However, before embarking on such a project the homeowner should first consider several important items. These items include: home market values in the neighborhood, financing, size and scale of ... more...

New Home Buyers Who Represents You?
1)Why Buyers Agents The home buying process is full of traps for the unwary, inexperienced, and even the experienced home buyer. A good Buyers Agent can help you stay on course and avoid the problems. Understand that not all real estate agents are equal, spend some time interviewing agents. ... more...

Back-Planning For Success
Coming up with new dreams and passions can be fun, easy and inspiring - at least until you sit down and begin trying to sort out how to actually accomplish these wild goals. Suddenly, what seemed like such a clear and well-marked path takes on the aspect of an overgrown and thickly brambled ... more...

Old House? New House? Weighing Your Options
Maybe it has something to do with a childhood home we fondly remember. Many of us long for old homes built with solid construction, quality craftsmanship and beautiful details. We wax poetic and wistfully recall the hand carvings, plaster walls and eyebrow dormers of homes weve known. On the other ... more...

Dangerous Liaisons: Tips For Securing Homeowner's Insurance
Whether you are buying a home, selling a home, retiring or relocating homeowners insurance can be a tricky issue. Learning the basics of homeowners insurance is key to completing a smooth real estate transaction. Below are some important tips that can help you secure a homeowners insurance policy ... more...

How To Spot A Good Buy
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, particularly when it comes to buying a home. Features that attract one home-buyer may repel another.However, the one feature of interest to every home-buyer is price. Getting the most home for your money is paramount. The real problem is figuring out whether ... more...

15 Tips To Help You Buy Your Home
Thinking of buying another home or your first home? Here are some tips for maximizing the home buying experience. Detailed coverage of the topics below is provided in his website:1. DON'T WAIT TO BUY Prices are only going to go up. Don't be a victim of it. Better to have the escalator go up with ... more...

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