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Mortgage Professor about home inspection: 
Is FHA Responsible For the Leaky Roof?
March 19, 2001 "We just purchased a home with an FHA loan and the seller did not disclose many problems?The roof leaks, the toilet is falling through the floor?FHA inspected the house before we moved in, and they will get the house if we default and move out? We thought ... more...

Legal Thievery at the Closing Table
July 8, 2002 "I paid $2240 in lender fees when my loan closed, compared to the $880 I was quoted at the time my rate was locked. It was a total surprise that hit me at the closing table. With my house purchase at stake, there was nothing I could do. This is outrageous?why doesn?t ... more...

home inspection related definitions

Assessment A local tax levied against a property for a specific purpose, such as a sewer or street lights. Closing Costs Loan To Value Ratio Home Inspection ... more...

Appraisal An estimate of the value of property, made by a qualified professional called an "appraiser". Before a lender will lend you the money for a home, they will first require an appraisal to be done by a qualified licensed appraiser ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

The Reverse Mortgage - What The Heck Is It Anyway?
Are you 62 or older and own your own home? Then, you probably qualify for a reverse mortgage.But, what the heck is it anyway? Well, if you still have a conventional mortgage ... or had one until you burned your loan papers ... this is simply the reverse of what you have or had.A reverse mortgage ... more...

Cash Out Refinance - Things to Know About Refinancing Your Mortgage To Get Cash Out
A cash-out mortgage allows you to refinance your mortgage and pull out part of your equity. Before deciding how much to cash to use, be aware of the impact of PMI and equity amounts. However, you may find the benefits of refinancing outweigh the costs.Cash-Out Mortgage BasicsWith a cash-out ... more...

Wow! What an Automobile! Hey! Where Did It Go? Somethin's Rotten in Denmark!
From the Eye of the Potato: Perception is Everything!After WWII, the boys came home and a couple of them became our scoutmaster and assistant scoutmaster. They decided to resume the old troop traditions and take us to the Grand Tetons for a week.Each boy had to anti-up $13.00 to go. That was a ... more...

Life Insurance: Why There's No Need to be a Desperate Housewife
Life insurance looks set to make a comeback in the UK, after a period of neglect by consumers who were simply occupied with affording a home. The stabilising of the UK house market has made many consumers take a broader view to their personal finances.LifeSearch (a life insurance broker), in the ... more...

Poor Credit Home Mortgage Loans - Getting a Loan with a Low Credit Score
Getting a home mortgage loan with a low credit score is only a few clicks away. With online sub prime lenders, you can get financing, regardless of your credit situation. But even with bad credit, you can get good rates and terms by doing some checking first. Fortunately, online lenders ... more...

What To Expect In Closing Costs On A Home Purchase
Many are taking advantage of this years low mortgage rates to purchase a home. Pent up with excitement, many families, who have scrimped and saved for a down-payment, jump for joy when the mortgage lender finally approves their application. But, they should realize that theres a whole new set of ... more...

New Home Mortgage? Preparing for the Mortgage Loan Process
Two common mishaps that are associated with deciding on a mortgage lender are:1) Not Being Prepared2) Not Shopping Around - If you have decided to take the mortgage plunge, it is in your best interest to be as prepared and knowledgeable as possible. Do research on different types of lenders, such ... more...

A Few Basic Tips for First Time Home Buyers
The first time you purchase a home is an exciting experience. You are anxious to call the place yours and maybe a little worried about how the whole thing will play out. Knowing a few basic tips for home buying is important and will help eliminate your fears altogether.Here are some to consider ... more...

Buying Properties in Foreclosure and Pre-Foreclosure!
Foreclosure is a legal process that a lender initiates after the borrower fails to repay the loan as per the terms of the contract. The lender initiates the foreclosure process to reclaim the possession and ownership of the property. If the borrower misses three consecutive monthly payments(state ... more...

Online Bargain Shopping
Remember when bargain shopping meant bouncing from store to store comparing prices or watching mailers for coupons or sales. This method of shopping is time consuming and with today's gas prices not very cost effective. With the internet we have the ultimate bargain shopping tool at our fingertips. ... more...

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