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Mortgage Professor about home inspection: 
Is FHA Responsible For the Leaky Roof?
March 19, 2001 "We just purchased a home with an FHA loan and the seller did not disclose many problems?The roof leaks, the toilet is falling through the floor?FHA inspected the house before we moved in, and they will get the house if we default and move out? We thought ... more...

Legal Thievery at the Closing Table
July 8, 2002 "I paid $2240 in lender fees when my loan closed, compared to the $880 I was quoted at the time my rate was locked. It was a total surprise that hit me at the closing table. With my house purchase at stake, there was nothing I could do. This is outrageous?why doesn?t ... more...

home inspection related definitions

Assessment A local tax levied against a property for a specific purpose, such as a sewer or street lights. Closing Costs Loan To Value Ratio Home Inspection ... more...

Appraisal An estimate of the value of property, made by a qualified professional called an "appraiser". Before a lender will lend you the money for a home, they will first require an appraisal to be done by a qualified licensed appraiser ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Spanish Estate Agents and Inspection Visits
The only way to buy a home in Spain is during an inspection visit. If you are serious about buying a property, and are in a position to purchase, this is the most effective way to ensure your find the ideal home, in the ideal area at the right price for you.If you are unsure as to whether an ... more...

Real Estate Business
Starting real estate business is not that simple. Multiple aspects of stable business should be considered before you invest even 1$ in real estate. Owning real estate is no guarantee of wealth. There are a lot of things you have to do right to receive your reward. One of the most important points ... more...

Tips for Buying a New Home
My wife and I recently purchased a new home in Tennessee. Here are some helpful hints we picked up along the way:1. Use all of the online resources available. Almost every state and local government has a website where you can research real estate information. The data on home sales, taxes, and ... more...

Helpful Hints for First-Time Home Buyers
Buying a house can be a daunting task, even for someone who has owned several homes. My husband and I recently purchased our first home together, and it was hard to find good advice that we truly found useful. We had to learn a lot on our own, but at least now we feel comfortable and knowledgeable ... more...

Estimating Home Improvements
To be successful, every home improvement project should be based on a sound plan. There are an abundance of books and other publications available, where you can get some great ideas. After you decide exactly what you want to do, try to estimate your costs as accurately as possible. Making a rough ... more...

How I Became a Real Estate Investor
Recently I closed on the sale of two homes. They were located about a mile apart and had comparable market values. However, beyond these two similarities, the two deals were very different from each other. Let me discuss in more detail the similarities and differences of the two deals.My business ... more...

Due Dilegence 101 Or What You Do Not Know Can Kill You! - Part 1
Introduction: This article is written as a general discussion on the subject of Due Diligence. It is for informational purposes and not intended to be a definitive guideline for your exact situation. You should consult the appropriate professionals with regard to your specific transaction or ... more...

Electrical Safety in the home
Electricity is a wonderful part of our lives, clearly enabling us to do so many of the things we take for granted. Food preparation, entertainment, communication, and so much more are all dependent upon the delivery of electricity. And yet, coming into direct contact with electrical current can ... more...

Seven Steps for a New Home Loan Purchase
Buying your first home and becoming a home owner is one of the most exciting steps in any person's life. With home loan purchase rates at the lowest they have been in decades, this is an opportune time to purchase a home. At Bad Credit Lender, we work with affiliate mortgage brokers who work hard ... more...

Hidden Bank Loan Charges That Would Make a Pick-Pocket Envious
There can be more to a bank business loan than making interest and principal payments. Your firm may get a great rate on its new credit line or term loan but you may cry on the way home when you discover the hidden fees and charges.Even seasoned borrowers can be caught off guard. Borrowing costs ... more...

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