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Mortgage Professor about home electric: 
Which Reverse Mortgage Plan Do I Choose?
April 8, 2003 ?I am 79.  The counselor I saw in connection with my reverse mortgage told me that Fannie Mae?s Home Keeper product would provide me with more money than FHA?s Home Equity Conversion Mortgage, but that Home Keeper would cost me more.  The decision was mine ... more...

Is FHA Responsible For the Leaky Roof?
March 19, 2001 "We just purchased a home with an FHA loan and the seller did not disclose many problems?The roof leaks, the toilet is falling through the floor?FHA inspected the house before we moved in, and they will get the house if we default and move out? We thought ... more...

home electric related definitions

Second Home, Vacation Home
Second Home Second home is a seasonally occupied property that is not the primary residence of the owner. Such residences are usually found in areas with substantial opportunities for recreation or tourist activity. Second Home As Investment However, when market is ... more...

Vacation Home
Vacation Home Vacation home is a seasonally occupied property that is not the primary residence of the owner. Such residences are usually found in areas with substantial opportunities for recreation or tourist activity. Vacation Home As Investment When market is ... more...

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Get Free home electric Quotes and Estimates

Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Building Permits and Inspections
Probably the most intimidating part of building your own house is the permit process. Not only do the the requirements vary from township to township, but at times the decisions made seem so subjective that we find ourselves seething in frustration. However, permits and inspections are a ... more...

Digging out of Paper Clutter - part 2
We previously noted that papers must be sorted before they can be properly filed. Continuing from our last article, your sort has left you with two piles - to file and to throw away/recycle. Youve tossed the garbage/recycling, so now you have a stack of papers to file. Lets finish the sort, and ... more...

Heating and Cooling Your Log Home
Needless to say, our forefathers didn't worry too much about heating their log cabins. Big fireplaces had no problem warming up the one or two rooms they lived in. Of course now that log homes are family-sized, people often have the impression that there is something different about how they are ... more...

Financial Woe Is Me
Ideally, what comes in does not necessary all go out to creditors. Unfortunately, most of us know, that is one of our better dreams. Sometimes we find all our dreams shattered completely. Would you be prepared?Once upon a time, I was living the ideal life. I had an excellent paying job. Who had ... more...

How to Find the Lowest Rate Possible!
The quest is on! Youre in the market for a new home loan, a refinance, or a consolidation and you absolutely insist on finding the lowest rate possible! So what better place to do your research, then here on the internet, late at night, with your coffee in hand, and your family fast to sleep!Wed ... more...

6 Saving Tips When Moving
Moving households, whether it is due to a job transfer or upgrading your home, and whether moving across country or across town, is an expensive proposition. Even when a new employer sponsors a relocation, there are hidden or un-thought-of expenses such as tipping or registering your vehicle in a ... more...

Are You at Risk for Identity Theft? Learn How to Protect Yourself
Identity Theft is Americas fastest growing type of robbery. There have been an estimated 9.9 million victims on America and over 40% of all consumer complaints in the U.S. involve identity theft. About half of the victims do not know how the thief obtained their personal information. The Boston ... more...

Paying Your Bills On Time
You've heard it before. "You always have to pay your bills on time or it will hurt your credit rating". The fact is that not paying your bills on time can also cost you a bunch of money. The last time I checked being late on a credit card payment can cost you as much as $29 each time. In some ... more...

Learn the Abbreviated Language of Realty Agents
Sunday mornings with the newspaper real estate section can be daunting to home buyers and sellers. Figuring out the shorthand for popular home features takes an inquiring mind. Mark Nash, author of 1001 Tips for Buying and Selling a Home takes the guess work out of listing sheets and classified ... more...

The Economy's Greatest Depression Downturn Ever Is Now Just A Few Years Away
What really controls the economy? Forget interest rates, forget deficits, forget the Fed, forget IRAQ, forget which party is in office. In fact, forget just about everything that permeates the news. The greatest force that has controlled the long-term trend of the economy for at least the last ... more...

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