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Mortgage Professor about home damage: 
Options When Equity in Your Home Is Gone
April 23, 1999 I have been transferred and need to sell my home. The market has gone down and I owe more than the home is worth. Is there any relief available to allow me to avoid paying the difference to the lender at the time ... more...

Is FHA Responsible For the Leaky Roof?
March 19, 2001 "We just purchased a home with an FHA loan and the seller did not disclose many problems?The roof leaks, the toilet is falling through the floor?FHA inspected the house before we moved in, and they will get the house if we default and move out? We thought ... more...

home damage related definitions

Section 8 Housing
Section 8 Housing The Section 8 program began during the Great Depression to increase the housing choices available to very low-income households by making privately-owned rental housing affordable to them. It provides rent subsidies, either rental certificates or vouchers, on ... more...

Second Home, Vacation Home
Second Home Second home is a seasonally occupied property that is not the primary residence of the owner. Such residences are usually found in areas with substantial opportunities for recreation or tourist activity. Second Home As Investment However, when market is ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

What's Missing on Most Home Buyer's Checklists?
In a search for "Home Buyer's Checklist," I found articles, spread sheets, and tips with differing advice. Some of this advice includes:1. Know your location2. Negotiate price3. Check for amenities and compare to other homes4. Inspect the house for defectsIt seems that the real estate websites want ... more...

Tips for Finding Low Interest Loans
When seeking low interest loans, it can sometimes prove challenging to find exactly what you're looking for. A variety of factors influence the amount of interest that you pay, and some of these factors have taken years to develop so that you cannot change them when you most need to.Don't be under ... more...

Secured Debt Consolidation Loans: Help you Usher a New Debt Free Life
It is never a pleasant experience when you have to deal with furious creditors pounding on your door for money. So what do you do when a whole bunch of angry creditors are breathing down your neck and threatening you with dire consequences? Do you hide under the bed or jump out of the bathroom ... more...

Investing in Residential Real Estate: Achieving Positive Cash Flow
When investing in real estate, it is highly desirable to achieve positive cash flow on a month-to-month basis. This is true even if you are counting on property value appreciation to supply the bulk of your desired return on investment. If you are losing money month-to-month, you may find all of ... more...

How to Maximize Your Home Business Tax Deductions for 2005
Someone once said, the best way to calculate your taxes isHonestly. For 2005, add Smartly to that and youll get to keep more than you make. This April 15th is going to be the day of reckoning for every taxpayer. If you are smart enough with your accounting and keep your eyes and ears open, this ... more...

Do You Speak Real Estate?
Anyone interested in real estate should be able to talk the talk. Here is a list of common phrases and words with a short explanation. Use it as a reference:Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM). A type of mortgage loan whose interest rate changes periodically up or down, usually once or twice a year ... more...

Hurricane Katrina And The Impact On Real Estate Prices
In the wake of Hurricane Katrinas wide path of destruction, the real estate market will be affected perhaps in ways not fully understood or expected. If recent hurricane recovery history holds true there will be several good things to come out of all destruction. Lets hope so as those who live in ... more...

The Lurking Affiliate and MLM Junkies
Ever since the introduction of money making programs became available. Mis-guiding experts decided to become more of a nuisance than provide realistic help to the newcomers on the net.The type experts to watch for--The Feel Good Presenters-These presenters seem to have such enlightenment That they ... more...

Debt Getting You Down? - Make a List!
Debt is not much fun and when faced with it, people sometimes look for complicated debt solutions and often overlook the many simple ways that you can save money. Believe it or not, one of the simplest and most effective debt solutions is to get hold of a pen and a piece of paper and make a list. ... more...

Avoiding Foreclosure Scams
If your mortgage company is threatening foreclosure, there are things you can do to avoid it (see my article titled How to Avoid Foreclosure). However, you should be aware of scams. If there are solutions to your problems that seem too good to be true, they probably are.For example, if you're ... more...

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