Secrets of the Option ARM Loan
How Does an Option ARM Loan Work?Option ARM (also called Pick A Payment or Pay Option ARM) loans work by providing the borrower with four payment options each month.Before we get into the payment options, let's review some of the important terms and concepts involved with this loan program.ARM - ...
Life in Las Vegas
"I'll go and get some munchies for us, Bob. Don't give that beautiful black-haired lady my seat. Eh?""You wish!" Sean went to get some food while Bob ordered some white wine for them both."You're becoming a regular aren't you?" The sprightly barmaid commented as she brought him their drinks and ...
Propaganda and American Journalism, Born Joined at Birth
Passion was the main stuff of journalism long before the Civil War, the birthplace of modern American journalism. The Press of the American Revolution during the War and before it, was borne of it. Newspapers then were not as we know them today. Weekly advertising mediums they were, but they were ...
The Economy's Greatest Depression Downturn Ever Is Now Just A Few Years Away
What really controls the economy? Forget interest rates, forget deficits, forget the Fed, forget IRAQ, forget which party is in office. In fact, forget just about everything that permeates the news. The greatest force that has controlled the long-term trend of the economy for at least the last ...
Lung Cancer: The Bad and the Worse
In terms of deaths caused by various forms of cancer, lung cancer ranks second only to breast cancer. The National Cancer Institute recently reported that an estimated 172,570 new cases of lung cancer will be reported this year and that 163,510 American will die from this disease.Lung cancer is ...
Seven Steps for a New Home Loan Purchase
Buying your first home and becoming a home owner is one of the most exciting steps in any person's life. With home loan purchase rates at the lowest they have been in decades, this is an opportune time to purchase a home. At Bad Credit Lender, we work with affiliate mortgage brokers who work hard ...
Mortgage Free In 15 Years!
Imagine paying your mortgage off in 15 years! Think of all the great things you could do with that extra money. What would you do? Retire early? Buy an R.V.? Travel around the world? If you could eliminate your mortgage in half the time, then your options would be wide open.Lets take a look ...
Is an ARM Right For You?
Lets start by taking a look at 7 key elements of an adjustable rate mortgage:1) ARM defined: While a fixed rate loan is constant and never changes throughout the life of the loan, an adjustable rate mortgage changes periodically. The interest rate of an ARM goes up and down based on whatever ...
Accessing Funds You Never Knew You Had- Household Utilities and Mortgage Expense Reduction Plan
For most of us the process of getting out of debt and pursuing a venture that would create an income stream leading to early retirement seems just a pipe dream. It goes without saying; it takes money to make money. Most of us have had our eye on pursuing a stock, invention patent, greater ...
Option ARM Mortgage Loan - Is This Really for You?
What happened to the days of a 15 or 30 year fixed rate mortgage loan? Ultimately this is the safest and most popular mortgage loan product in our industry, but new mortgage products are hitting the market, and we in the mortgage business are using them to our advantage; ever heard the radio ...