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Mortgage Professor about existing mortgage: 
Refinancing With Two Mortgages
September 4, 2000 "I have an 8.75% first mortgage with a balance of $151,000, and a 12% second mortgage with a balance of $37,300.  The second mortgage brought our total mortgage debt above the value of the property at that time, which is why the rate is so high. Our ... more...

Pros and Cons of Debt Consolidation
May 6, 2002 "I have two mortgages plus a lot of short-term debt with high interest rates. Because my house has appreciated substantially in recent years, I?m sure I can save money by consolidating the short-term debt into one of my mortgages, but which one?" I ... more...

existing mortgage related definitions

Sheriff Sale
Sheriff Sale The sheriff's sale is a public auction held at the courthouse door, and anyone can bid on the property. The property is sold to the highest bidder and the proceeds are used to pay for the costs of the sale and to pay off the mortgage. A deed given at the ... more...

Assumption The agreement between buyer and seller where the buyer takes over the payments on an existing mortgage from the seller. Assuming a loan can usually save the buyer money since this is an existing mortgage debt, unlike a new ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Refinancing Your Home - How and Why?
Chances are you may need a little extra money to get some work done around the home or perhaps your current interest rate is 7.5% and the prime interest rate is 6.0% there is a benefit to restart the clock on an existing mortgage and save thousands of dollars over the life of the loan. The first ... more...

Bad Credit? With Poor Credit You Can Still Refinance Or Get A Home Equity Line Of Credit
Have you decided to refinance your home or apply for a home equity line of credit but worry about your credit rating? Even with poor credit it is possible to refinance your existing mortgage or obtain a home equity line of credit. New practices in the lending industry have made it easier than ... more...

Adjustable Rate Mortgage Use Rising Interest Rates to Your Advantage
You found your dream house; however, qualifying for a traditional fixed rate mortgage is proving to be difficult. Your debt-to-income ratio may be too high or your credit score might be too low. The same might be true of the existing mortgage holder that wants to refinance and cash out equity in ... more...

Home Mortgage Interest Rates: How to Compare
Whether you are looking to purchase your first home, sell your current home and purchase a new one, or you are wondering whether or not you should refinance your existing mortgage, it is beneficial to compare current home mortgage interest rates from several companies to be sure you get the best ... more...

Refinancing Your Home Mortgage - Get Up To 125% Cash From Your Home's Value
With the low interest rates being offered by lenders today, now can be the perfect time to refinance your existing mortgage. Remember that you do not have to refinance your home through the same lender that provided your initial mortgage. Lending institutions are offering competitive terms and ... more...

Low Income Home Loans - FHA and VA Mortgage Loans Can Help You Get Approved
If you have low income and are looking to get approved for a home mortgage loan. There are many programs available to help you get approved. Whether you are looking to purchase a new home or to refinance your existing home, with the following low income home loan mortgage programs, almost anyone ... more...

Refinancing After Bankruptcy - Is Refinancing Your Home a Good Idea?
Refinancing your home after a bankruptcy is similar to purchasing a new home. A refinance creates a new mortgage to replace the existing mortgage. Thus, you are required to complete loan applications and pay closing costs and other fees. Some believe that obtaining credit following a bankruptcy is ... more...

Refinancing With Cash Out
If you have lived in your home for a reasonable amount of time and have acquired equity through appreciation and monthly mortgage payments, you may be considering liquidating some of that equity by refinancing with cash out.Refinancing with cash out in laymen terms simply means to refinance your ... more...

Why Online Mortgage Quotes Don't Always Give The Best Rate
There were days when getting something mortgaged or financed was a big hassle. People had to survey the entire market in order to know about the existing rates and other details. But now things have drastically changed. Now you can familiarize yourself with whats prevalent in the market by the way ... more...

Construction Loan Basics
It might not be too big of an exaggeration to say that the construction loan is one of the more daunting aspects of building your custom home. Before we started our project, I had nightmares about trying to pay two full mortgages at the same time (our existing mortgage and the construction loan), ... more...

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WSJ Prime Rate
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