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Mortgage Professor about down payment assistance: 
Are House Seller Contributions Kosher?
July 10, 2000  ?I offered $289K for a house but was not able to make a down payment.  The seller?s realtor told me that so long as I could pay all the closing costs, they would find a way to contribute 5% toward a down payment.   When we sat down to sign the ... more...

Is This Shared Appreciation Mortgage a Good Deal?
Column Delivered October 22, 2001 ?The city of Burbank has a Mortgage Assistance Program that offers home buyers a 30-year second mortgage loan, with zero interest and no payments for the first 5 years.  After 5 years, the second must ... more...

down payment assistance related definitions

Negative Amortization
Negative Amortization Negative amortization, also known as Neg Amortization, NegAm, NegAmMort, occurs when borrower pays back less than the full amount of interest owed to the lender each month. The difference betweeen full interest and paid amount is added to the total amount ... more...

Private Mortgage Insurance, PMI
Private Mortgage Insurance, PMI Loans with an LTV over 80% may require Private Mortgage Insurance (in some cases 75% or 70% when refinancing). If you do not have a 20 percent down payment, lenders will allow a smaller down payment. With the smaller down payment loans, however ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

Financial Woe Is Me
Ideally, what comes in does not necessary all go out to creditors. Unfortunately, most of us know, that is one of our better dreams. Sometimes we find all our dreams shattered completely. Would you be prepared?Once upon a time, I was living the ideal life. I had an excellent paying job. Who had ... more...

Executive Summary for Business Plans of Franchisees
Writing a business plan for a franchised outlet of a larger company to get funding or find investors is difficult because the franchisor already has a plan which is working, but until you are privy to it upon purchase you actually know relatively few details. The franchisor must keep this ... more...

Stop Foreclosure - 7 Tips to Save Your Home
Faced with the threat of a foreclosure on their home, with all the weight of the mortgage industry and its army of attorneys against them, the average homeowner might feel like David facing Goliath.But David defeated Goliath !David had a sling and some pebbles.You have an armory of tactics and ... more...

Getting Away with Low Down Payments
Mortgage programs come in all different shapes and sizes and each of them have their own benefits and perks. No matter what your financial situation is you will be able to find plenty of loans that are suitable to your needs. Whether you are a first time buyer or a low income family, you will still ... more...

California Bad Credit Mortgage
California is a beautiful place to live There is no doubt about that. But, to live in California you must pay the price, which is sky high real estate prices. Renting, as opposed to buying in California, can save a little bit of money. However, renting has the disadvantage of not building any ... more...

Home Loans: To Substantiate Financial Possibilities On Your Land
Availability of Home loans is in full bloom. They are uncomplicated, tenable, easily available, very flexible and tailor-made for homeowners. They are offered by almost every loan lending or financial institution. Home loans are like omnipresent and yet encountering the requisite home loan is like ... more...

Debt Consolidation and Debt Management For Maximum Relief: Part 1
Bankruptcy and financial stress are at an all time high. In increasing numbers, people are turning to bill consolidation loans and debt management counseling for relief. Both debt consolidation and management provide valuable assistance. However, you need both for maximum results.Many people claim ... more...

SBA Loan: Options, Benefits, and Lenders Part 2 of 2
In this second installment, we will further examine what kinds of SBA loan options are available, and for what kinds of businesses they are most advantageous. We will also discuss the different types of SBA lenders.There are several different lending programs for those who qualify for an SBA loan. ... more...

Dealing With UK Water Rates Debts: What You Need To Know
UK Water RatesYOU CANNOT BE DISCONNECTED FOR WATER RATES DEBTSWater companies can no longer disconnect your water supply if you are in arrears. The rules changed on 30th June 1999. They also cannot install anything in your home that restricts the flow of water from the taps. If the water company ... more...

Bankruptcy as a Debt Management Solution: Why Do so Many of Us Have so Much Debt?
In 2004, 1,562,174 Americans sought protection from creditors through bankruptcy court a per capita rate over ten times higher than during the worst years of the Great Depression! According to the Consumer Federation of America, in 2003 alone over 9 million consumers made initial calls with a ... more...

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