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Mortgage Professor about discounted cash flow property: 
Qualifying For a Mortgage
December 12, 2000 Most potential borrowers are nervous about getting a mortgage loan because they share a widespread misperception: the misperception is that they have no bargaining power relative to lenders, and therefore must approach them ... more...

The APR on a Cash-Out Refinance
September 24, 2001 "I need $20,000 and am comparing a cash-out refinancing with a second mortgage loan.  The cash-out refinance would be for $185,000 at 8%, with lender fees of $1850 and other settlement costs of $3150.  My current mortgage is at 7.5%, has a ... more...

discounted cash flow property related definitions

Sheriff Sale
Sheriff Sale The sheriff's sale is a public auction held at the courthouse door, and anyone can bid on the property. The property is sold to the highest bidder and the proceeds are used to pay for the costs of the sale and to pay off the mortgage. A deed given at the ... more...

Cash-Flow The amount of cash derived over a certain period of time from an income-producing property. The cash flow should be large enough to pay the expenses of the income producing property (mortgage payment, maintenance, ... more...

More about discounted cash flow property

Get Free discounted cash flow property Quotes and Estimates

Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

How To Make $20.00 For Every $1.00 Invested
It has been said you can lift the Rock of Gibraltar if you have a fulcrum point and long enough lever. When we refer to "financial leverage" we are talking about the same principle. If you buy a business building for $100,000 with $5,000 down, this is using leverage of 20 to 1. For a mere 1/20th ... more...

Buying Your First Investment Property
"Begin With The End In Mind"I first heard the phrase "Begin with the end in mind" in a Steven Covey book called "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People". This expression makes a lot of sense because the fact is, you can't get where you're going, unless you know where you want to go.Most new ... more...

An Investor's 1st and Most Important Lesson
Are you ready for the lesson that will put you ahead of 99% of all real estate investors?Here it is in a nutshell USE AS LITTLE CASH AS POSSIBLE!The days of mortgage burning parties are long over. But you will still meet people who believe that it is good idea to pay off the mortgage on a ... more...

Real Estate Investing with No Cash and No Credit
Lots of folks think it cant be done.How in the world can you buy a piece of real estate property without cash or credit? How is it possible to buy a $50,000 house or a $1 million dollar house if I dont have an abundance of cash or an excellent credit rating?Nothing stops a would-be investor cold ... more...

Learn To Save Hard Cash This Festive Season
Time was when shopping was a painful experience, a chore to be lived with. Cash Back schemes have now brought the fun back into shopping. One can now shop online and purchase all that you need without even leaving home. Whats more, these online purchases also pay you back a certain amount on your ... more...

Property Investing Secrets 3
Property Investing Secrets: When you Make Property Easy to Buy for People Using Vendor Finance It Is Easy To SellWhen property investing, my goal is to make it easy for people to buy my properties, thats why I offer vendor finance. You have the advantage when you buy properties from sellers when ... more...

Mortgage Glossary - A Glossary of Mortgage Terms You Should Know
Acceleration Clause A clause in a mortgage defining that the entire outstanding balance can become due and payable should mortgage default occur. If the entire balance is not paid, the property will be foreclosed.Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Mortgage with interest rates that may be adjusted by ... more...

Property Investing Secrets 1
When property investing, pay the seller their asking price but negotiate the terms under which you can buy property. Youd be absolutely surprised when property investing at how many sellers will help fund you into their property. Basically, youre receiving vendor finance from the seller.Lets take ... more...

Mortgage Glossary of Terms
A brief list of some of the most common Mortgage terms.Adverse Credit The term used if the borrower has a poor credit history. This could include previous mortgage or loan arrears, bankruptcy or CCJ's. Other terms used to describe an adverse credit mortgage include: Bad credit mortgagePoor ... more...

Buy to Let Property Investment
In recent years buy to let has been a popular way of investing in residential property. Stock markets are out of favour with many investors who have seen the values of their portfolios, endowment policies and pension funds shrink, whereas property has generally continued to rise in value. Interest ... more...

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